On bbc news now - blaming people who don’t need tests but getting tests, for the lack of testing available aye alright pal what a bellend
I’m 71 but have no symptoms and I have not ever had any during this pandemic so there is no need to go and have a test he is only saying they are for people with symptoms so why is he a bell end.
Well a couple of months ago it was on barnsley council, Rotherham and Sheffield's websites and on radio Sheffield begging people to go for tests even if they didn't have symptoms as they believed finding asymptomatic people would slow the spread. I'd say he's a bellend for blaming people for doing what his government have told them to do
they stopped following the science when they wanted to do something the science told them was stupid. They dropped a bollock though as it was quite a handy fall guy for the set of c^^^s
He’s a bellend full stop. He’s blaming the public for his and Dildo Harding’s failings, again. Those who voted for these chancers ought to feel utterly ashamed of the government they’ve brought to power.
One day he's bragging about the number of tests being carried out and now he's blabbing on about the lack of testing available. You can have no symptoms and still have this disease and isn't it everyone's right to have a test if they want.
I know several people that have claimed they have symptoms so they can get a negative test in order to go on holiday to a country that requires you to produce one.
Surely the biggest risk is from people who are asymptomatic spreading the virus as you can, apparently, be contagious. If you are showing symptoms, surely you are unwell and less likely to be circulating in public and, so, spreading the with or without the test. Obviously some, with minor symptoms, will carry on regardless, but many of those are the people who probably wont rush to get tested anyway. If you ARE boing to use testing then a piecemeal approach is pointless. Bit like having 4 bald tyres and only checking and replacing two of them. Universal mass testing is really the only way albeit no system can be watertight. Han'****'!
I thought he would know the reason people are being tested without symptoms is because his very own track and trace system means that's what you do if someone gets in contact with you.
It was said on this board, at the start of the outbreak that eventually it would be all our own fault. And here it is!!!
Boris never legislated for anything, refused to give police any powers. He's ensured all messaging is mixed and politicised and passed the blame onto anyone but him. Look at the amount of senior servants either quitting or getting the sack. Anyone with morals and knowledge is booted to the curb.