Police shot an unarmed Autistic kid in Utah now! after his mum called them for help as he was having a breakdown. They shouldn’t be let out with water pistols some of them, morons
it seems the policy in the US is extreme force whatever the circumstances from the police with a shoot now think later approach i saw on the news armed to the teeth militias wandering around the streets which doesn't bode well, it's a tinderbox waiting to go off!
Re-electing Trump would, in my view, be tantamount to a declaration of war against certain sections of American society, and further encourage dangerous populists elsewhere (including the Trump tribute act we currently have in ‘government’ here). For the sake of all of us I hope to hell this doesn’t happen.
Not at all. But saying a country will implode when it wasn’t even close to doing that pre-Covid is just a wild claim with very little substance. Well thought out response though
When Police are shooting a 13-year-old Autistic child and the gun lobby are pumping millions into trumps campaign then nothing is going to change if this idiot Trump gets another 4 years things will only get worse.
Watched the news yesterday and it was terrifying with different groups of armed militia roaming the streets in the US
Obama had eight years in charge and nothing changed. This has got nothing to do with Trump to be honest, that's why I challenged your comment. The US is so different in it's mindset and this terribly sad case is about the police and not gun laws. It will stoke the fires of the 'defund' campaigners.
America is effectively two different countries, the big cities, mostly in each coast (with one or two exceptions like Dallas, Phoenix, Houston) that are Democrat, and the rest that is uneducated & backward & pro Republican. The way things are going there could be massive civil unrest whoever wins. The truth is the whole thing is controlled by the backers of both candidates, with them largely wanting to keep the status quo, with just a few headline policies. With the large gun ownership things could seriously get even more ugly IMO.
I know what you mean but it isn't as simple as that. The election will be decided by the silent majority and not the extremists on both sides you read about. The country is so huge you can't see a pocket of reporting and take that as the view of the country, or even the state. For every rioter and protester there's a whole load of people who don't agree with the protests/riots and support Republican policies over Democrat ones. Doesn't make them backward or uneducated. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Ohio, and Iowa were all won by Trump that previously belonged to Obama, because the extreme Democrat policies don't go down well with everyone ................. and Hillary Clinton as well.
Why the fixation on America - why not South Africa where the death rates are much higher? Let the American police do what they want. It’s nothing to do with us in Britain. Same applies to BLM. Totally different attitude to BAME in America than there is in Britain. Too many people in America thinking they are living on a film set.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.