Your car accident fatalities are miles out. We have under 2000 deaths on UK roads every year, in a country of 65 million.
I can only go from what I read. Story was covered by multiple trade bodies. British Beer,the pub and hospitality sector.
2 MP’s tweeting does not equal as policy’ (esp as one of them is currently disgraced). the other balancing point is to understand what a ‘zero Covid’ strategy is; it’s not a ‘joke’ it’s the strategy used by all those countries that have managed to: Control the virus better than us Protect the economy better than us the fact is in this Brexit split country we appear to be split politically; let the virus run riot and protect the economy or control the virus and kill the economy. the truth (obviously) is that we’ve not succeeded in either. But even though our incompetent government have managed to mess up everything, the internet is still looking to blame ‘someone else’.
I'm not excusing the government at all. They are shocking. Voted in due to our out dated FPTP system and failure of the opposition to see the obvious defeat looming as they entered the election. And now here we are as a result they can do whatever they like but they have no idea what to do
The opposition had no chance of a win. add all the leave supporters to all the usual Tory vote and you have a majority. There’s no mathematical model that’ll get labour over the line no matter what the policy. Anyone watching Starmer tear Boris a new one every Wednesday can’t possibly believe that ‘Labour are just as bad’. It’s simply laughable.
Can you articulate to me what the Labour Party's policy is regarding lockdown then please? As a lifelong Labour voter I'm extremely keen to know. As far as I can see Starmer has hinted that he'd like more lockdown and a more draconian version, but other than that I'm honestly at a loss.
I don’t see myself as the spokesman for the Labour Party, so I’m ill equipped. all I will say is that as the opposition it’s not their job to devise ad hoc policies on the fly, it’s their job to hold the government to account.
Just to be clear, these aren't MY stats. I stated that I pulled the post from facebook. I made no claims as to the veracity of the statements, only that the post as a whole was eye-opening. It's all well and good pulling the post up on one point, but what about the points you can't refute? Do we just ignore them. The simple fact is, the BS measures that we are being strong-armed into complying with are killing our country, whether you thinks it's deliberate or the result of the government being inept is now a moot point. We need to stop this, now.
Almost all the points were utter claptrap. Designed to sound like they were making a point but in totality complete and utter bovine excrement. Not being able to see that is why we’re in the state were in. Gullible idiots all too keen to swallow lies that reinforce their preconceptions
I actually agree with a lot of the points you made, especially about government ineptitude! Sorry, I should have qualified that. Just if one statistic is so obviously wrong, it lessens the impact of the whole post to whoever is reading it.
Computer guy Bill Gates is my favourite. Try doing a bit of research into what Bill Gates does before sharing such *****.
Hancock: "Boris, the situation is deteriorating fast, thousands more new cases, it's spiralling out of control, we need to limit social meetings to 6 maximum immediately Boris: "Agreed, we must make these tough decisions...there's no time to it now" Hancock: "Good, because don't forget there will be 2,500 people at the St leger meeting in Doncaster on Wednesday" Boris: "Ok, set the new limit for the Monday after then" Hancock: "I'm confused" Boris: "Has anyone seen my hairbrush? wibble wibble"
..... I questioned and realised this post was utter crap, so thought I’d address each point for you. It worries me to think that a good chunk of the population, and this message board, will not listen to “people with degrees”, but instead believe every word of crap from these conspiracy posts.
They’ve stopped the crowds at the Leger meeting after today. It’s too dangerous from tomorrow but not today.
We live in an age now where people want others to do the thinking on their behalfs. People can't be arsed to check stuff out that would only take a few mins. We Google everything instantly instead of retaining information, and then we quickly forget it and move onto the next. It truly is depressing and dangerous. People will believe anything if it looks written in a half-decent manner now.
I've just driven past the bus stop at the end of my road. Live next to a secondary school. Must have been over 50 kids all stood in a huge group.