Eh? The generation who stuck two fingers up and said 'adolf didn't stop me, this won't' aren't the same ones who are trying to save the planet from global warming.
Could it not be the case that young people are more likely to living in houses they share with others. That they are more likely to work in the service industry or other lower level jobs that can't be done from home. Less likely to own a car and have to use public transport?
This week has seen large protests in Melbourne. Over here free speech is being deleted and more protests are on the way. Boris has to get used to this because it's going to end up spreading all over the country.
I understand the tightening of the restrictions to a large extent. However, surely allowing 6 ppl from six different households to a pub is a lot riskier than 8 from two households?
The generation who defeated Adolf are insignificant in number. The boomers who keep spouting about ‘their’ great past victories didn’t even do bloody national service. They had a genuinely cosseted life and like to pretend that making sacrifices is what everyone does (bought their first house for 2 years salary and slag off the yoof for not having the same resolve). and I’m technically a boomer
Just to put the death rate thing into context,Today I was talking to a woman who has actually had Covid. Six months on she is still suffering health problems although clear of the actual virus .
Maybe I'm over simplifying things. But I just think how bad can things actually be if we have pubs, swimming pools, organised sports ect all still going on. I mean in theory I could meet over a 100 different people in the pub as long as I do it in groups of 6.
And I still ask how bad can it be if a sage meeting member and chief advisor to the prime minister who was armed with all the facts was happy to take his family out for the day at the height of lockdown whilst claiming to actually have the virus.
Not a great excuse. Parroting ******** without exercising critical thought is as bad as posting it. There are some legitimate points, but the wrong/loony aspects just serve to undermine them.
That’s nothing to do with the severity of the virus and everything to do with being a self entitled pr ick. Bear in mind his boss (or underling - delete as appropriate) was in intensive care at the time.
The bloke is a disgrace. Talking about getting testing into care homes, if he’d have sorted care homes earlier there would be thousands less dead.
Absolutely. But then he's part of a government that wants to dictate us all with stupid restrictions for an average of four hospital deaths per day over the last week. We had one day of a mini spike due to a backlog and they couldn't wait to add to restrictions.
3x staff at our biggest educational establishment have had positive tests. Won't add to this but that's a week after it reopened.
France have had nearly 10000 infections today which is their highest total at any time. Despite this they still have sport going on and fans are even allowed at Football. Our daily infections are around a quarter of that and yet we can't go in groups of more than six as of next week and crowds at sports once again look way off. Even Tory MPs have spoke out against the six person rule saying it might be worse than the virus, it's too much of a broad approach and hasn't been spoke about in parliament first. I agree with all three points. First people not being able to be in big groups of family and friends (acting sensibly) is going to cause more mental health problems for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. Secondly when some parts of the country have little covid and some parts way more, it shouldn't be one rule fits everyone. Thirdly anything as big as this should be spoken about in the commons first so all parties can have a say.
You don't half talk some misleading *****. We've had five successive days of daily infections over 2,000.