In serious jeopardy if we proceed with breaking international law. Assuming the dems retain the house in November of course.
Quite interestingly, whe you look into it. Its quite common for international laws to be broken by countries and also by the wanna be superstate that is the EU.
Not by countries such as UK who have always been seen as a sort of Vanguard and highly respected in the Trading world. This was discussed on Newsnight last night. But Corbyn’s but Labour, must not criticise this Govt at all costs
As someone who isn’t an expert in US politics, how much power does Nancy Pelosi have in this type of situation? As I understand it, she’s a Democrat who can’t stand Trump.
She’s the speaker of the democrat majority house. The house would have to pass the bill for it to be approved. Obviously there’s elections in November so she could lose her power, but that wouldn’t take effect until January. On current polling the dems are unlikely to lose the house, but polling is never completely accurate of course.
It really is time to cancel brexit, isn't it? What has it already cost us, both financially and in our international standing? It was always a pipe dream of Putin and vulture capitalist. Weaken the EU all the while turning Britain into an off shore tax haven for the super rich and the super corrupt.
It'd be my preference, but since it already happened that's impossible. We're in a transition period now. With the economy already being in a sore state, I really would like for the transition to be extended just to give businesses a fairer chance to prepare. Preparation which is impossible anyway given we don't have a clue yet what's going to be the situation in just over three months time. Though with the Tories well and truly in power that extension won't happen.
Does it matter which laws they are? Major tension from the US towards the EU who they say their trade laws break international law. Not justifying us doing it by the way. Equally wrong.. Interestingly even Gina Miller was quite restrained on the issue. Thought she would be all over it, but she dialled it back saying the withdrawal agreement is based upon a deal and doesn't actually take into account a no deal scenario. Starmer strangely didn't go full throttle on the issue either which with his legal background, thought it a bit odd. SNP seem to be the most vocal about it. Think the Tories might not have realised the instant backlash from the US though, so Boris could have shot himself in the foot with this one, even if it is just a bit of smoke and mirrors to try and force a deal with the EU.. If it doesn't work and they do break the law, it could end up being the one thing that brings the government down.
Unfortunately Runner is right - even if the government had a miraculous change of heart its too late - we left the EU in January and have no chance now of extending the transition. Brexit has happend and the full impact will really start to hit us next year Remember we all voted for this as we all knew what we voted for and this is definitely the will of the people I dont see any chance of us wanting to rejoin any time soon either - the 43% that voted in this current load of crooks have ensured we have burnt those bridges now and it will be at least a generation before rejoining is a serious option
There is a strategy here - Boris is desperate for Labour to have a go at this so he can bring out the Remainers opposing Brexit lines but Starmer is trying to prevent that by taking a let them get on with it and own the mess stance. I am not sure its the best approach but I can see why they are doing it
Speak for yourself! Despite having lived here 8 years I don't get to vote for MP or any (national) referendum. Not unless I take up the British nationality. I do get to vote for council and police/fire commissioners, so that's something I guess. Don't see this as complaining, I know what I signed up for, I just thought I'd mention it.
If I had thought about it I would have realised you dont get to vote - not that it makes you much better off than me - I live in the Tory heartands and waste my vote voting against Jeremy Hunt every time there is an election - doesnt stop him getting back in with a massive majority every time. FWIW I think anyone living here paying their taxes should have a right to vote once they have lived here for a while but Id rather campaign for a fairer voting system
Nobody should be taxed by the UK without having a say in appointing the lawmakers. Simple as that. That’s the reason the Americans revolted way back when.