Noticeable increase in quality since the last time I purchased a programme (a few years ago now - I don’t carry cash so can never buy them normally). Interview with Gerhard that spans 8 pages. Great stuff. Will enjoy reading that. Great job Whitey and everyone else at the club. Hopefully these season long subscriptions carry on into perpetuity, not just this season.
No, full season subscription available here: Half Season here: Individual game here:
Ordered my full season package on Monday. Hopefully it’ll have arrived today when I get in. Glad they’ve posted on Thursday, meaning most should get it on Fri
Can't say I'm keen on this Grove Street b****cks even if the marketing team are trying something different. Would have preferred "Oakwell"/"Oakwell Review" on the front cover or even "Tykes Review"
I like it. Something different. New branding, new look, new content. It’s fine to prefer a different name, but it’s hardly worth elevating the blood pressure for.
Glad you enjoyed it. We feel a few big interviews are more interesting than lots of little pieces of fluff. Everything is exclusive in there. We tried to give it a community vibe, by going to local footy clubs, restaurants, pubs, driving range etc etc. Give some other local businesses exposure during tough times. The Gerhard piece my colleague did is a great read especially. And I really enjoyed Taymour's too. Next issue? The delightful Beth.
You're correct in that, hence why it didn't affect any blood pressure. It's all about opinions same as the new badge which never took off. I hope it's successful and it won't stop me buying it whenever we can get back into Oakwell (Sorry Grove Street). I'm all for new branding and It needed freshening up. It definitely needed a new name because "Be Red" meant nothing. Grove Street is where the Oakwell ground is sited so it's more relevant to Barnsley FC than "Be Red" which applies to over 30% of football teams. I'm just not keen on it but it matters sod all in the grand scheme of things.
it doesn’t matter a jot of course but it would be nice to see “Oakwell” near the Barnsley v Luton and the date. It’s where we play and would put to bed all the daft rumours.
£69.99 (inc p&p) for 23 programmes - excellent value -- extra 99p is Whitey's commission although he will deny this!
Too many meltdowns over the name. For no reasons. Someone on Facebook asked why was called it. I said simply we’ve played there since late 1800s. He said no it’s Oakwell, then said I was being sarcy for answering a simple question. Not sure my answer could have been more simple either.
Very little of it relates to the actual match in fairness buddy. We designed it like that on purpose, due to the current climate. Majority of it is timeless, so to speak.
Yeah totally get that. Was just looking forward to getting it tonight and reading it with a pint. Always enjoy reading them. Good work BTW