Keep with various levels of lockdowns on a regional basis, or if it continues to rise ,another national lockdown? This world beating track and trace system that Boris promised should see us through this eh?
Less deaths than last Friday. Half of those ringing 111 are in the age group that are some of the safest people. I would say don't panic.
To be fair you are right. Its not the same now its not rammed full of men in Marks and Spencers finest bopping around to Dobie Gray and Billy Ocean trying to impress women wearing their daughters clothes in the vain hopes of a knee trembler. Chennels?
All the scare tactics are turning us in to a nation of snowflakes. Wales for example have zero deaths most days and yet want masks in shops from Monday. What's the point?
This isn't going well at all, whatever the reasons for increase (I've stated why I believe its happening and who's at fault) it's getting worse everywhere. We're not seeing the hospital admissions yet. A good friend of mine who works for the NHS told me senior management have told government it's just a matter of time. The amount of folk who've had it and months later need medical help (long covid). Isn't being given enough air time, add them once healthy adults to those who need cancer treatments etc and it's the perfect storm. But it's just like the flu so what am I taking about, get out there enjoy life, get drunk and hug and kiss each other.
Tell anyone old, vulnerable or just worried to stay safe, isolate and wear a mask etc. Everyone else just get on with your lives
the issue isn’t particularly who is getting sick at the moment but the rate of infection. If that creeps nearer 2 we will be in real trouble. Merkel said the break point for Germany in terms of medical provision was around 1.8. Its a very difficult balancing act to get things right and unfortunately we have a set of idiots in charge.
Maybe the £100bn earmarked for the pie in the sky project moonshot, would be better spent on fixing test & trace, support for people isolating and targeted furlough.
The stated aim was to "flatten the curve", I don't know when it become Zero Covid deaths - because that is impossible, full lockdown is untenable, if you don't feel safe - don't go out. Everyone else, follow local requirements, wear a mask, wash your hands, carry on.
When you actively encourage people to go out and mix with others by discounting eating out by 50% why are you then surprised that infections increase
Do you actually understand what will happen if we allow the R rate to increase exponentially without check? We will have a similar amount of deaths each day as Brazil and USA. I couldn't give a fcukk if a bloke can't open his pub for 6 months to save lives. I get that people want to get back to normal, none more so than me, but lets be real here, if it that trend goes up again to what it was before, we are going back into lock down (National or Local) whether you like it or you don't. This was always the plan, well after the initial herd plan went t1ts up, to take us in and out of lockdown to try to protect as many businesses as possible, and give them short spells of turnover until it returns. Continuous circles until we get a vaccine.
AGAIN, why are you so focused on the fking death rates and not looking at the other things like the long lasting health problems that people are suffering after getting the virus. Its not a case of panicking just take the precautions that you are supposed to take , seriously!!
I've been on holiday, felt safe in most places because those around me have acted responsibly. It's not affected my holiday at all, we've planned well in advance where we are going. We've spent plenty in local pubs etc and worn PPE where necessary. Those businesses visited are responsible. However 6 miles away in Whitby it was carnage, why? Because those visiting there showed no consideration for others and some businesses weren't prepared to turn folk away and ignored public health advice. The same people who will say it doesn't exist, and this week Whitby had numerous business closures and positive cases.