Didn't he brag about his agent securing an increase in wages?... if I'm not mistaken TN then posted that an under 23 player was on 4 grand more than that lol I'd have still signed him ....
Signed for Wednesday on the day of Rimmos funeral. Wasn't supposed to be announced until after but Winall and his agent plastered it all over social media
Like you said he wouldnt fit in our system and he had a bad injury while on loan at derby not sure he is the same player maybe in decline. Plus he can upset a dressing room. Oxford are welcome to him.
Bloke makes a career change for a better paid job. Only in football do people get precious about it. 20 grand a week for 3 years anyone would take that he’s set himself up for life with the bonus of not really ever playing for the pigs. Good move for him and Oxford. If he stays for they get to play offs as a minimum.
Nobody is begrudging him the move or better terms as its a short career. It was the timing of the announcement
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Classic case ( from a footballing aspect), that the grass certainly is not greener elsewhere. Having said that, with a lot more brass in his bank, I doubt he'd ever admit to ever regretting leaving "little old " Barnsley.
Greed is greed, its understandable but crap at the same time, clearly this was an easy pay day for Winnall .It was supply and demand at the time of his transfer and unbelievable what he was paid at Wednesday. That's capitalism right there .
I doubt he regrets leaving Barnsley - I wonder if he regrets his choice of club though - I thought at the time moving to Wednesday was a bad career move for him - I still think it was, but it was good for his bank balance. Wonder if he could have got similar if he had gone straight to Derby for example where he was much more likely to get gametime
Dont get me wrong, the way the transfer unravelled was top shithousery from the player and wednesday but regarding the actual transfer, who wouldnt have taken a massive pay rise from a club throwing daft money about?
Yes your right, as for me I'd never go to Wednesday no matter what the offer. I know money is the No1 priority for a lot of people, if I was playing for Barnsley I don't think I'd ever ever leave but that's just me.
Neither would I, but Sam Winnall wasn’t a born and brought up reds fan. I have absolutely no issue with why he went, his money was trebled or even quadrupled. Wednesday offered him the most money without him having to relocate. No brainer - don’t blame him for it at all. The very intentional leak on social media on the day we saw off an absolute club legend? Unforgivable. He got what he deserved in terms of stick - and decided to respond to that by further disrespecting the fans and club at which he’d earned his big money move from a platform we’d given him. That is why he’d never be welcome back here. But from a purely footballing point of view, has nobody who’s suggesting he could have returned actually watched him? This isn’t the Sam Winnall that played for Barnsley FC. Injuries and latency have taken it out of him. He isn’t half the player. And he was also never a workhorse. He wouldn’t fit into the Struber system whatsoever, and he’s nowhere near good enough to change a system and build a team around. He’ll score a few at Oxford but I’d be hugely surprised if he absolutely smashes it and improves them that much.