Johnson and co have made a complete hash of the countries response to Covid 19 no doubt about that but all those conspiracy theorists and anti mask and vaxers should take note of what people who had Covid 19 properly and survived have to say. Bloke on the radio the other day educated man best selling author previously fit and well no underlying issues before he was struck down, spent 7 weeks in a coma and the list of things he's been left suffering with as a result of Covid is frightening and these aren't short term effects they are life changing and life long it's not just the 40 odd thousand deaths covids caused it's also the 60000 people suffering serious symptoms 3 months after being given the all clear. The ones who get off with little or no ill effects with this are very very lucky. So look stop bleating about your civil liberties and your freedoms being eroded and follow the rules to keep everybody safe and hope that you and yours will be spared and will be able to enjoy life to the full when this bloody disease is finally beaten.
It's been the same in most larger seaside towns it's like they think the virus doesn't infect people on days out / holiday. My job has taken me in the last few weeks to Skegness Cleethorpes Bridlington and Scarboro and masks and social distancing just weren't happening and plod wasn't interested in getting involved.
You do realise that it doesn't just kill you instantly if you have it and you're going to die from it, don't you? Death rates are not what you should be focusing on.
And your that much of an idiot that you think the bumbling idiot running the country speaks the truth all the time and demonic Cummings really was testing his eyes. You really are the most gullible person on here aren't you...
What now? Enforce measures on those at risk and spend some cash and some effort in providing then with the support they need. Or we can turn the NHS off again for another few months and kill more people
My wife’s had it, she’s pregnant, she ended up in hospital via an ambulance as she couldn’t breathe, it’s ****, damaging and scary.
but they didn't increase did they? the incubation period is between 1-10 days. Rates didn't increase until September when we all should go back to work and the schools opened. Not suggesting that the schools shouldn't have opened at all, just looking at cause and effect.
Why not try this. Send everyone abroad on holiday to Spain, Portugal, Greece etc where it's safer for people. Secondly the 14 day lockdown on return reduces the number of people out and about and reduces chance of infection. Finally the travel industry will receive a boost and stay afloat. ;-)
The country can afford anything it wants to pay for. We could pay many times more if we were at war, and wouldn't bat an eyelid. The negative costs to individuals and business are the result of government decisions about what to support (or not) and how to support it.
But there's always a lag from when you catch it to when you start to show symptoms and are contagious. So imho the eat out to help out scheme was a disaster in waiting as far as the R rate was concerned especially when it was followed by the return to school and johnsons push to get people back in offices.
We only stopped paying for world war 2 in 2010 was it? My great grandkids will already be paying this back.
A sovereign economy can pretty much play by any rules we want to. It’s like when people speak about govt debt. It’s not the same as normal debt. The govt can pay any debt it owes it can literally print money. The biggest con of the last few years is to make people think a nations economy is in any way link to a household economy. The institutions we owe money to don’t want ya to pay it back. In fact the last thing they want us for us to pay it back.
The plan is garbage then. Seriously, if that’s the plan, it’s that bad that Keith Hill could have written it, with help from Glyn Hodges.
Apparently you are most contagious from day one of catching it through the first seven days of symptoms, so approx 10 days in total. Resturants and pubs open since 4th July. No significant increase until September.
Another single digit day for deaths today to keep the weekly rolling hospital average in the single digit. I understand people don't get ill straight away but nobody got ill after all the bank holidays, protests etc. I also understand some get long covid but out of 20,716,336 around the world who's down as recovered from it, what's the percentage?