I reckon being a commentator is a tricky thing - for me, Matt Bailey does a good job (& even has an eye in this forum where he expects to get stick if he isn’t completely right). He does it for audio & video streaming so added difficulty ! Give him support! He’ll laugh at his own gaffes!
I agree. He does a great job and it must be hard to see everything from one angle. The amount of times I've missed things in person at Oakwell is unbelievable. I thought the good shot comment was ridiculous though.
It is about opinions, then theirs totally bemusing comments, ‘could’ve lost 4-1 and had no complaints’ In fact it seems beyond bemusing, it’s plain barmy. Luton deserved their win but nowhere on this Earth was there was More than 1 goal difference between the 2 sides. Jeez
I think it was one of them where from his angle it looked a decent shot at first but then when it hit the seats a mile wide he tried to backtrack. I’m sure we’ve all done it. It’s happened to me from my seat in the east stand on the opposite side of where Matt’s sat plenty of times
I'm always impressed with Matt's discipline & professionalism. How he refrains from hurling abuse at some of the breath taking incompetent decisions by match officials, goodness only knows! I certainly couldn't do it.
Has @Loko the Tyke not thought of doing second chair on commentaries? I think the problem with ex players, unless thesy are old ones like Dek Parker or Trevor Aylott, who I always think is great (he's a Chelsea fan, who also played for Millwall, but has a love for us, as it was probably around the peak of his career), is they don't want to upset people. Those interviews during lock down were superb. Step up. please, you'd be brilliant.