There's not half some some massive overreactions on here. I used to be very much against moving out, but as I get older less so. Look at it this way, the house you are living in now, you've lived there all your life, lots of memories, BUT its now costing a fortune to keep going, in fact one wall is practically falling down, its inefficient and a sap on resources.Income isn't always what it was, you don't get as many visitors as you did, you hardly use some of the rooms, you'd look to move, wouldn't you. And these absolute barstewards that run the club, wanting to move forward and update and modify the club with a brand new spanking ground, well pfff obviously don't care. Now at the end of the day, might not happen, might be 'political' threats but come on, sentiment aside if you hadn't been going down to the Well for years wouldn't it make sense to you? It hardly did Arsenal any harm and Highbury was just as important to them at the time
Yea what would it cost to actually build the stadium, where would the pound notes come from? We cant even paint the west stand!
Who/what to believe? Nevertheless, IF Barnsley Council are holding on to a percentage of the ground /land on the pretext of 'protecting' it from speculators who may have ulterior motives for acquiring it...i.e. housing commercial development, it makes no sense. Nor does the argument that they have rent revenue which they would lose... Firstly, the current threat shows that the current owners could relocate leaving the council with no rental revenue and a 'white elephant' of a stadium that would deteriorate and ultimately become derelict. Furthermore, should they sell their share to the current owners, they still have the upper hand, unless Govt legislation changes* ( a distinct possibility) in that they could deny planning permission to change use of stadium/land for redevelopment into housing etc. Finally, whilst I know there is an increasing shortage of land especially brownfield sites suitable for development, given the costs of building a new stadium somewhere, demolishing a large number of buildings (academy, stadium etc) prior to actually re-development in somewhere like Barnsley, seems to not be the most cost effective plan albeit we are talking a sizeable plot of land close to the centre. * If the Govt decide to make planning permission easier to obtain, especially on green field sites, whilst on the one hand it weakens Barnsley council's influence on future planning permission controls it also makes brownfield site redevelopment with all the additional costs less attractive than starting from scratch on greenfield sites. Anyway having been out of the loop, why are so many articles referring to "Grove St." rather than Oakwell in the context of BFC location? Hopefully the 'trickle' of references wont become a 'deluge'.
Dunno, I just offered a way that the "club" could remain self financing. Other areas could become massively in debt. Build a new ground and secure any loans with the new co, who build the ground and have the loans secured against it type of thing. I dong think it will happen tbh. I think this is all posturing on all sides. Well, tbh, maybe not crynes. Honestly think the council are causing the grief
It's just in the nature of football fans to jump to conclusions without any facts. Despite the criticism levelled at our owners, I'd certainly believe them over the daily mail.
Pure posturing. Club wants the buy the council’s share. Council won’t sell their share. Club says it will leave if it doesn’t. Council doesn’t want an empty stadium with no rents. Council reluctantly agrees to sell. Club deny there were ever any plans to leave Oakwell.
If “Barnsley” does move outside of tarn I would rather support a new non league team playing at Oakwell and watch them work their way back to the football league tbh
No smoke without fire as the saying goes, it looks to me to be an example of the brinkmanship these types usually play to get what they want. And once they own the ground then what ? Put up a parking lot as the song goes. These owners couldn't lay straight in bed, as for folk saying wait for the facts how much engagement have we ever had from this lot. ??
If they'd invested their own money then yes, you could say it's for the greater good of the club. But they haven't, they've not even paid their full purchase price yet.
Arsenal had already moved once in their history. I m just not persuaded that these owners have got any loyalty to anything. Just like Wigans new owners. And I hate bullies and Conway certainly comes across as one.
Will never move outside Barnsley, unless it’s temporary whilst the stadium is redeveloped or a new one is built. Home games in Lancashire would make it easier for me to attend however...
And the revenue and visitors that the football brings to the town centre. BMBC have commented on this before when rumours of a stadium move away from the town centre.
I think a lot of people will go for it. BFC has become detached from its fans, with owners who see it as an investment opportunity, and their recruitment policy that attracts players whose only ambition is to use BFC as a showcase for their abilities in order to leave the club at the first opportunity. Understandably, the fans feel that they are the only ones who actually care about the club and the only ones to have any loyalty to the club. I’ve tried not to say this,,, but I wonder what kind of owners we’d have finished up with if Patrick HADN’T scoured the earth for a safe pair of hands for our beloved club.
That's hopefully the best outcome at this point. Those who think the owners could build a new stadium somewhere else need to get real. To build something half as big as oakwell would cost around 30 million. Money that they just wouldn't be willing to spend. Move us away from oakwell and pay a few quid each month in rent to another club would be the most financially beneficial option for the owners I would imagine. This needs resolving as quickly as possible. These things have a habit of of affecting staff at the club including players and management.