The crynes, the board, barnsley council and the other party ( remaining family of Barnsley brewery, I believe) should all sit down round a table and sort this mess out. They are now messing with people's lives and dreams plus OUR history
Wouldn't surprise me based on their previous antics re. Hearts etc. I'm judging on their past actions and someone has said something. We as fans whilst obviously not jumping to conclusions too soon, cant stick our heads in the sand and end up like Wigan or Bolton. Think Hull have worries too, big disconnect between fans and owners there, stopping free radio coverage of games etc.
Board bashing in full swing this morning.What amazes me is have they done anything bad to the club.O.K the transfer policy could have been better but so could Man Utds,Arsenal etc.Like i said a few weeks ago its easy spending other peoples money,alright you might say its our season ticket money but the books have to be balanced as seen to the demise of other clubs.I might be totally wrong but until then give em a break and in the meantime have a chat with the wigan,coventry or bolton fans.
I think most of us are realistic enough to know that the owners aren't here for the fans or the love of the club and that they will look after their own interests. We just want to be certain their interests don't involve the dismantling of the club.
I suppose if my landlord was threatening to sue me, then I would be looking for alternative accomodation. Does seem strange if the club are having to pay for maintenance of a property they don't own
I don't think that will happen while ever Steve Houghton is council leader. He's a devout Barnsley fan.
and you hand on heart think the owners will be willing to spend 15-30 million quid building a new stadium? Bit early for hard drugs.
I think we are beginning to see what is really important to these owners. They want the land and not so they can redevelop the stadium, as they haven't got two ha'pennies to rub together.
All speculation at the moment based on one article from the Daily Heil. However, IF there is some truth to the article then the questions are 'why do the owners really want the ground? What will they do when they get there hands on it?' Bearing in mind that the owners are here to make money then getting the ground is simply to make money. One way they can make money is by then selling the ground/land. That's why I suspect some fans are nervous. So far the current owners have done nothing whatsoever to suggest that they are on the fans' side. My opinion of course. Some will disagree.
Under the Cryne family Oakwell has been decaying for many years. We have a useless west stand that we can only use half of, it's taken five years to sort a leaking east stand roof and they can't get a safety certificate to allow us to sell every seat in the north stand. It is them who are to blame for the state of our stadium because they own it and have allowed these things to happen on their watch, on their property.
New York Stadium cost £17m exc land. That’s 12k capacity, with foundations in place to go to 21k in future I believe. We’d need to be looking at 25k. With 6k of that for away fans (big cash earner). Gotta be looking at £40m for all that at least. And then........ training complex. That’s part of Oakwell too. So add another £7m for all of that. Add in other costs such as legal, planning and architects etc. and excluding interest charges, you’re looking at no less than £50m. What does us, is the training complex.
This is true - the club are having to cover costs from years of neglect of the stadium. And there’s still more to do. Even the club have said themselves that the yearly costs for the West Stand alone are expensive. The idea I guess, is to own the ground, put a charge against the ground, and redevelop the West Stand. Long term it’s cheaper than maintaining it.
No idea how my post has led you to come to that conclusion. The point I was trying to make is that people are quick to blame the owners without considering other options because they already have an agenda against them! Smaller clubs than ours have managed to get the funds to build new stadia so it’s hardly beyond the realms of possibility if that’s the only option, is it? Not once did I claim it’s the only option either. I’ll save the hard drugs for the weekend. In fact, I’d be better off giving them to those that think the owners are only here to sell the stadium and then run off into the sunset.
Might seem strange, but tenants having responsibility for maintenance and repair is standard for commercial leases.
No chance this will happen. The "source" is obviously either Conway or Chien and they're trying to strengthen his bargaining hand with the Crynes by leaking a semi-veiled threat. As others have pointed out - who on earth would support us if we moved to Lancashire?
If the owners of the club are ‘only here to make money’ then everybody knows this wouldn’t be a permanent solution. It’s the first throw of the dice from the owners of the club in their battle against the owners of the ground.