I wonder whether they've paid in full for their other clubs? I was watching a documentary about the fyre festival, all smoke and mirrors. Is their aim to just get a portfolio of clubs, market them as a potential Red Bull type enterprise and make some serious money having put up very little in hard cash?
The new owners seem to be getting the blame for all of this but from what I can see is a difference of opinion on a part of the agreement. Since they came in they have done exactly as they said in regards to running the club which hasn't always gone to plan but that's football I suppose. If you look at the situation we are in the new owners have offered to buy the rest of the stadium which was agreed and mentioned early on in their ownership. This hasn't happened as they expected so they have withdrawn the agreed payments to the Cryne family which right or wrong has resulted in the Cryne family taking legal action. My only query on all of this is why have the Cryne family changed their mind on selling the stadium or why was the other party either not known by the new owners or not thought to be an issue when the initial contract was exchanged? It might be an unpopular opinion but the best thing that can happen is the new ownership finding a way to buy the remainder of Oakwell so they can get on with any upgrades they are looking to do as full owners. I might be wrong but there is a lot said about Chien Lee and the rest but as it stands they have done as they said initially and kept us self sufficient and debt free so I don't see why they would do anything untoward were they to own the stadium. Aren't there certain caveats in the Stadium and surrounding land anyway meaning they can't?
You're very trusting re: the new owners. I'm sure you will understand why many people aren't. Time will tell one way or the other of course.
I would agree with that. I am sure The Club could own 100% of the ground and 100% of the Football club and we would be safe because Barnsley Council would never give them permission to use where Oakwell is for anything other than Football. That way we know the ground won't be flattened for housing and The Club can get on with giving Oakwell the much needed improvements it needs.
Would we be trusting of anyone? I can only go on what's happened so far and I don't see a lot of issue with their first 2 and a bit years. We were very lucky to have an owner in Patrick that supported the club and did what he could to run us as well as possible but we have to move on and this new lot will do it their way which might not always be popular but neither were all of Patrick's decisions. I don't think they can win if they run us without debt and sensibly they aren't doing enough and should spend more potentially making us insolvent and if they do those who don't want us run with money that isn't ours will complain.
No one saw what happened at Wigan happening in the way it did either but it seems as though their owners have got away with it.
Patrick saved us as we all know, but took the club as far as he could, the new owners have made mistakes, which they've admitted, but on the whole in my opinion haven't done too bad. We could easily gone down the route of wigan, portsmouth or bolton with other owners in charge
There is a general damned if they do, damned if they don't with how much money they should or shouldn't invest. If they put their own money in, would the posters that accused Wigan of 'cheating' think the same of us? The difficulty is, we don't know what their plan is. Out of the clubs they buy, there is no clear focal point in the same way as City group. We made a loss in 2018/19. Likely to have made a loss in 19/20 and make a loss in 20/21 because of the pandemic. The lack of trust stems from the fact that we still don't really know why they bought the club.
We could still.go that way. I don't think that our current consortium would shed any tears about it either.
They cleared the clubs debts when they bought Oostende https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSL5N2CC2JU
Probably, wouldn't know for sure. But that makes the question even more relevant. What are the owners' plans for the club, seeing as there's no money to be made? I don't think they even profited much in last summer's transfer window, given the amount of players coming in.
Do you honestly think they'd mourn the passing of Barnsley bfc as long as they didnt lose out financially? Why on earth would they, they're not footballing people, they're not from the area.
I'm sure as long as they own our club we wont go bust. People should be careful what they wish for, if our current owners decide to sell who knows who could be in charge. Better the devil you know
I think they're in it for the prestige of being the first billionaires to get into the Premier League with a self sustaining model utilising players from a number of continents and other clubs in their portfolio. I think they want the big time but don't want to bankroll it alone.
the Crynes have confirmed they are happy to sell their half of the stadium but probably want the other money they are owed first.
The Council don't have final say on planning permission the Government do through the appeals process and as we've seen recently sitting next to the minister concerned at a Tory fund raiser and donating to party funds gets council planning decisions overturned. So don't think the council would be a safety net against redevelopment into houses because it isn't.