Would've thought the likelihood of groundsharing with Huddersfield would be slim to none given that Giants play there as well (when super league returns to normal). Would be practically impossible to accomodate a third team into weekend fixtures.
As far as I'm concerned Helen I personally can't take an informed view on this matter, as like the majority of our supporters who care dearly for our heritage, I am not party to the full facts. From the Boards point of view, as investors who are profit driven, it doesn't make sense for them to spend money on something that doesn't belong to them. Conversely, being owed money due to non payment of part of the original agreement struck with the late Patrick Cryne, must cause a certain amount of distrust regarding the sale of their 50% of their share in the ground and ditto, Steve Houghton and the Council. The first question he could be forgiven for thinking, is why do they want it and secondly and more importantly, what would they do with it, once they did own it.?
True. We only know what each party is telling us, when the most important information is what they're not telling us.
According to the Chronicle the council say they haven't even been approached with an offer for their half of the ground. You got to wonder just what the hell is going on at Oakwell.
I can't trust any side in this debacle, purely because no-one is telling us anything. Either or both sides could have made more of a statement than they did the other week, but they didn't. We're only fans at the end of the day , we don't mean anything to them. I mean it's not like we've paid any money or anything....
Wouldn’t you say it’s relatively consistent to say I’m happy to sell you my share of the ground but expect monies already owed before I do so. If it were me given that I couldn’t trust them to fulfil their commitments on the original purchase which I had already discounted. I’d want reassurances in form of paying the monies still owed and probably the whole sum for their 50% of the ground upfront.
Yeah sorry I should qualify that by saying I also read some Facebook groups comments, including tykestalk’s page on there, Rev Tiverton Preedy and the bbs Facebook page which appears separate to this - a strong majority against the owners but comparatively very few with any questions on the Cryne’s
the implication would be that if our owners are being less than truthful about thus then it’s difficult to believe any of their other statements.
The next fans forum could be a lively affair. Might be a good idea to express our views and devise as many questions as we can a.s.a.p in readiness for Gally to put them to the Board. As a season ticket holder you / we are surely entitled to know what is going on.? If due to the ongoing Covid restrictions, there are no plans to hold a fans forum in the immediate future, to my mind, the matter is so concerning, if he would be willing, would it be worth an approach to Paul Conway by our own " Loko the Tyke "to establish whether he would be prepared to undertake a Face time type session along the tried and trusted "Live from Redfearns" format.?
We have no idea which order it was done in. Whether the initial contract included the ground option that was found to be void (giving a valid reason for the payments to be disputed). Or whether the payments stopped and that's why the ground agreement was reneged on. Or something else entirely. Again, let's not jump to conclusions.
Well, the 50% purchase of the ground was for the 50% off the crynes. Nothing was in that original agreement to buy the councils half. So no winder the owners haven't approached the council. It will be very interesting to find out who the 3rd party is that caused the storm to start with..... Council Brewery Crynes Doyles Any more for any more?
well the initial press release stated they had an option to purchase the ground within the first 6 months of ownership. We know because no one disputes it that the Crynes agreed to reduce the monies owed following reduced income after relegation. We know the a Council have not been approached by our owners to purchase their share of the ground and that the council has neither the funds nor the desire to purchase the other half of the ground. We know again not disputed that the crynes state they are happy to sell their half of the ground (again not disputed).
im assuming given that the club haven’t been able to supply the primary service nor an alternative right now then I am assuming I could claim a refund.
What’s to say that they didn’t exercise that option after 6 months but this mysterious 3rd party that had a claim to the ground stopped it happening and that’s why the money stopped to the Crynes? I want to be clear that I’m not saying this is what happened, I’m also not defending the owners. I just think it’s important to recognise that we do not know the facts and jumping to conclusions is silly. There’s a myriad of situations that could have happened.
Being a bit simple like.....help is required... It's reasonable to assume that the original agreement relating to shared ownership between BMBC and Family Cryne would contain a provision that neither could sell without the consent of the other. Let's face it - you don't want to end up owning half of something with someone you haven't first approved of. So Chien's lot must have checked this out before buying, and BMBC obviously must have OK'd a sale of Family Cryne's half to Chien's lot if Chien wanted to go on and buy it. But Chien et al still would only own a half of the ground and would need BMBC to either sell the other half to them or agree to what Chien wanted to get up to. Otherwise they're still stuck on developing etc. So what's Chien's problem?
It would be great, we could stand up again, and swap ends at half time-just like 1976 We could spread mud all over the pitch too so they all got mucky and therefore we could see that they'd all tried their best. 7 promotions later we're back in the Championship-what's not to like?
Not to be 'that guy' who passes on a rumour with no evidence, but I just heard from a high-ranking club employee that this is a deliberate leak from Chien specifically to force some hands, and there has been no contact with other clubs and no intention of moving. I wouldn't put my neck on the line here if I didn't trust the person.