Absolutely not. I think there's so much distrust of the government that they can't lead any nuanced debate on the issue
Explains days like today where those out and about in everyday life results in 1 hospital death. Yet when other settings are added such as care homes it rises to 9.
It's a long three weeks this flattening the curve business to protect the NHS. Little man Hancock getting ready to get more power hungry in a fortnight.
My NHS mate said its spreading to older generations again. Some pretty poorly folk, the cheap counter measures like steroids are working but for how long? Scary next 3/4 weeks.
Tameside NHS really struggling, fingers crossed the meds identified in recent months will ward off intensive care admissions.
God forbid we don't experience another " total" lockdown. Some poor folk could be driven over the edge. Here's hoping that by whatever means, irrespective of who achieves it, that for the overall well being of the collective nations of the world, someone is able to produce and effectively use a proven vaccine to eliminate this devastating virus, sooner rather than later. Once that is achieved, our " friends" in Asia really ought to introduce some form of punitive legislation to influence and control what can and cannot be sold and consumed in their so called existing "wet " markets. That way, hopefully the chances of another deadly pandemic occurring and affecting the entire population of the world could hopefully be averted.
I thought evidence had suggested that the original theory on its origin was rubbish and there is evidence of people having covid-19 long before it made its way to the market which was merely just a hotspot caused by so many people being in one place
That's an interesting point ST and something I had not seen or considered before. Most of the articles I had read, seemed to suggest that the epidemic started in Wuhan China and could well have involved the consumption of either bats or possibly pangolins.! I suppose, at the end of the day, we may possibly not come to learn of the precise source , because as you rightly suggest, there is evidence pointing to the theory that some people probably had symptoms before it manifestied itself in that particular market, which is usually heavily attended by the local populace who keen to aid the functioning of their kidneys ( a widespread and well held Chinese health theory) , buy and eat ant eaters to the point that they are reaching the point of possible extinction.
If they do lockdown again it will be very different from the first time. Dark winter months, very uncertain prospects for swathes of the population in the job arena. There was a lot of good will first time as people accepted that this was a 'short term' solution to a very exsitential problem. For some it was, bake a cake, Joe Wicks, clap for the NHS, all in it together, flatten the curve, nice sunny days. This time would be an admission that in spite of all the sacrifices made and impositions on daily life, once relaxations take place then the virus will spread. This will be very unpalatable for some people who are already mentally fatigued over the previous impositions. Add into this the mistrust in our government, the inability of them to foresee the massive requirement for testing and implement track and trace in spite of a six month period, the myriad of conflicting statistics, the scaremongering on MSM and social media. I just wonder how long before the general population reaches a tipping point and serious unrest happens in society.
Wouldn't surprise me that it didn't originate in China. The Spanish flu I read in probability originated in Kansas.
Ages. If there’s one thing the last six months has taught us, it’s that the U.K. public will lap up any old ***** for months on end.
If we do have extra restrictions and God forbid a new lockdown I hope folk will look at why this occurred. The fault is totally on the Government, they've failed at every turn barring the furlough scheme (but that's now proven to be open to fraud.) Its not employers faults many have innovated and embraced the challenge, it's not employees fault they've also tried to make the best of it. It's not migrants, socialists, BLM, NHS, Police, Local Government's (including Tory councils) fault this simply put falls on Boris and his cabinet. Other countries have had similar issues, they've been up front and honest with their public. Boris well I don't need to elaborate, other than to say he protected a known agitator and anarchist when it was clear you can't get an eye test in Barnard Castle whilst driving at 40mph.
I read yesterday that intensive care patients had increased by 14% in one day - from ~90 to ~100. This might be a one day blip, but ties in with the doubling of cases every 7-8 days.
Once it takes a hold it spreads like wildfire. Looking back I think we're now at beginning of March levels comparatively. Last time folk were worried, this time they're angry, confused and bored. We went into lockdown with very few deaths actually being recorded. Remember the Boris speech about losing loved ones, we're pretty close to that again.