WATCH SATURDAY'S GAME LIVE Club News Reds supporters in the UK and overseas can watch our clash with Reading on iFollow Barnsley. Continue reading on the official site...
No thanks. It was shocking for the Luton game. With the buffering, it took 17 minutes for the reds to run from the tunnel to the halfway line ready to start the second half. It was like it most of first half and worse second half. Turned it off 20 mins into second half, complete waste of a tenner.
I’m not that sure you were buffering. It sounded Saturday it took 17 minutes for us to put an attack together. But On a serious note, I am the same as you, i didn’t get any feed at all with my code and I’m a reserved plus member. No way would I risk throwing more money away Saturday.
We are assured that all known issues are fixed, and that anyone who logged a complaint with the EFL/iFollow will be compensated by them. Please feel free to let me know on here if issues are still there. Ta.
I received an automatic email when i complained to them. (EFL iFollow). 2 days later another email saying that they had a long list to deal with and get back to me as soon as possible. Still waiting.
I will be paying my £10 and watching this but I noticed when looking at the subscriptions page the chelsea game only has an option to buy an audio pass for £2.50 - does this mean we cant watch the game on iFollow ( or anywhere else for that matter as its not on Sky or terrestial afik
You have to sign up to a new platform
Ah thanks I hadnt seen that. Does that mean Barnsley dont get the revenue then or is the revenue split 50:50
Myself, my boss and Dane all emailed the EFL post-Luton Town, to register our dismay with the iFollow service. We've only today received a response. This is because they've had the entire collective of clubs contacting them with the same complaints, apparently. This is what we were told: Last weekend there was a technical issue with the process for redeeming codes which affected some users. This has now been fixed. For any user that tried to use a code and failed – ask them to contact the There is a backlog of customer support complaints, but everyone will be serviced, and refunds processed if applicable. In essence, Neil, I would expect you'll be waiting too for a while. I'd suggest a follow-up email. I hate to throw folk under the bus, but the absolute graft we put into getting codes out was extraordinary. And we knew the system would let us down. We all predicted it the week before that first game. So after a handful of us worked into the early hours to make sure our loyal supporters received their code, received all appropriate help and guidance, we were fúcked over once it was out of our hands. But it's us at the club who had to read message after message of anger, abuse and vitriol. Email after email. As a club, we are continuing to push the EFL for a simpler way of giving our fans access to streams. Please know, we're doing our best. And like I say, any issues for folk buying a pass this weekend, drop me a line and I'll flag it instantly. Cheers.
Because it's an EFL club vs a PL club, they've had to create a separate platform to make the 50/50 revenue split work.
I don't blame folk for it. They're on a Barnsley FC website using a Barnsley FC product to watch (or not, in this case for many) a Barnsley FC match. They aren't to know.
Me too. Never had a single problem with the service and always enjoyed using it. It mustv be very frustrating for those that do.
Perfect for me and always has been. Makes no sense that so many get a poor service while others have no problems. I can only guess that it could be something to do with internet connection/hardware limitations?
Watched on laptop at first...buffering was dreadful then my tekky mate came and stuck the laptop into the smart tv with a HDMI lead and hey presto....solved