If we had their rate of deaths we would have 3500 less deaths than we have actually had which is considerably more than double the entire number of people who have died in the entire county of South Yorkshire. I know they're just numbers and the difference isn't THAT big but the bigger point is that we had that many more than them die and are still looking at more lockdowns, they had less and aren't.
I think what's happened today is going to spread all over the country and the numbers at these protests look bigger with every new one.
I thought it was a youth thing according to the media but there's a lot of middle aged people in that video clip
no the pint is they are a terrible example have as they have done far worse than their neighbours just as we are a terrible example as we have done so much worse than our neighbours
Loads of people there and it is only going to get worse. Next week another is planned and I suspect an even bigger gathering of people sick and tired of putting their life on hold.
Sweden will have undoubtedly made mistakes. That doesn't mean they are got everything wrong and lessons can't be learned by studying what they got right.
Mass protests against lockdown are pretty f*cking stupid. The government aren't going to listen and all they're doing is facilitating the spread of the virus and thereby increasing the probability of the very thing they're protesting against.
why would you take lessons from a country with one of the highest per capita death rates. Surely you’d learn more from one of its much more successful neighbours like Norway.
https://www.independentsage.org/wp-...ergency-plan-integrated-170920-amended-ES.pdf Some decent ideas in here but not sure bars and restaurants idea can be done.
Another mass gathering in the south? Just like the tv coverage of the packed beaches on the south coast earlier in the pandemic. Wonder which northern town will receive tighter lockdown restrictions on the backlash of this protest?
More ********. They have the 5th worse death rate in Europe and haven't even got the excuse of being a densely populated country. You have to look at deaths per 100,000 people not number of deaths https://www.statista.com/statistics/1111779/coronavirus-death-rate-europe-by-country/
Agree with your sentiments about Thatcher ST. I detested the woman, but you have to say, she wouldn't have even allowed Hancock and Co anywhere near a microphone and a press conference. You can bet your bottom dollar she would have had an effective track and trace system in place and GB would be leading the race to find an effective vaccine.
If Sweden genuinely build a herd immunity that is very useful information. If they don't then that is very useful Information. Should we not look to learn all we can?
Restaurants and pubs forced to shut should get government help and they should look to do some takeaway options. WFH should continue long term. Primary schools should look to be more spacious around the village they are in. For example if you have five school years teach just two in the school and for the other three look to try and use other buildings such as any village churches.
Dont see your school solution as being practical. You need to think about things like toilets, safe outdoor play spaces, heating etc
He knows very well why their death rate is what it is (and still miles better than his beloved Spain) I’ve mentioned it earlier in the thread and he, as always, ignores it. Lockdowners are like those death cults who are always predicting the end of the world - every time evidence proves them wrong they just double down even harder with more outlandish predictions and self harming policies - all the issues we still have and it’s because we ‘didn’t lock down hard enough’, while at the same time a country where they didn’t bother are back to normality. They would rather cause even more death, misery and poverty with further lockdowns than ever acknowledge they got it wrong.
I suppose if you lockdown hard enough you will stop the transmission of the Virus (eg Australia) I just don't see what the end game of such a move is though. People talk about doing it then making everyone who comes into the country properly quarantine. It only takes one case to slip through and you start all over again. All lockdown does is delay, you still end up right back in the same place. For me you could make a case for a initial lockdown, unprepared to deal with the virus. Doing it again would just seem mindless to me. Originally it was to flatten the curve and protect the NHS. What the goal now? Cancer Research UK says three million people have missed cancer screenings since March. That's likely the tip of the iceberg, another lockdown would be horrific for many.