Apology accepted, but it’s hardly fair to bunch everyone against lockdown in one boat is it? I’m sure you wouldn’t want your arguments getting put in with the likes of churton?
I don't think it suggests the initial lockdown was a waste of time. I think it's key argument is that whether given what we now know whether there should be an alternative strategy from further lockdowns. The key point is the one discussed on here last week as to whether the rate of infection or hospitalisations should be the barometer that leads to increased measures.
It's not scaremongering to say that something will happen if we continue down our current path is it? It's just a prediction based on data. And whoever moaned about their lack of charisma - that's the reason we're in this mess. Because people fell into the trap of voting for the charismatic buffoon instead of politicians with substance.
The speculation is unhelpful when there's no evidence that's what's likely to happen. They may as well have put up a slide showing what happens if the virus starts turning people into velociraptors.
You won't find any arguments from me. I agree. I was responding to a question on where they'd got their numbers from.
https://news.sky.com/story/coronavi...ans-there-to-clutch-at-the-positives-12077888 A wonderful piece that's absolutely correct. The scientists were going to be nothing but negative giving the worst case scenarios and no politician would be around a situation like that when they try and throw in some positives even when they know themselves it's a lie or not likely.
I’m not suggesting that just that any idea you take a test and then if that is negative you can interact with vulnerable people isn’t really the case. Don’t think I’m in favour of another lockdown but without a change in Govt to one with even the most basic degree of competency I’m just not sure what are alternatives are. We should be in a place where we can confidently move forwards but it feels like we didn’t take the time and pause the initial lockdown gave us to develop robust systems we just spaffed some contracts to our mates who failed delivery
I'll tell you what. The likes of churton have just been for a nice long walk on Inch beach and long since gave up caring a flying f**k what your opinions are on this topic.
I'm not sure I was suggesting that. Just suggesting that you could bring in procedures and measures to mitigate the risk for those who still needed to see people. It was in response to the challenge that anti-lockdowners (what a rubbish phrase by the way) keep saying protect the vulnerable, but don't have any ideas on how.
They are basically admitting that the testing system has collapsed without actually admitting that the testing system has collapsed. The Time had a map yesterday and basically most of England was under 40% able to get a test (it was higher in the southeast at 60-80% and Scotland/NI at 80-100%). They don't have confidence in the numbers, although it should have had confidence interval bars on it.
I knew that two weeks ago. The 119 system crashed on the Tuesday of that week and if you shouted at them loud enough they tested you regardless and asked you to register for the result online.
Shut the pubs - people can't socially distance after drinking, give them a deep clean and use them as temporary extra classrooms to reduce the congestion in schools. Same with any hotels that are under-used - most have conference areas where you could have temporary classrooms. Pay the landlords (and staff) to keep the pubs and hotels as ongoing concerns until a vaccine is ready. Sorry lads, but educating kids are more important than a pint in your local. As for isolating the vulnerable. It just isn't possible. The most vulnerable have carers, medical staff and family who also have families, friends and so on. Very few of them would be able to isolate sufficiently, and given there are near enough *12 million* pensioners, it would be next to impossible to keep them safe that way.
I accept it's easy to criticise, and must be incredibly hard to make these decisions. Naturally you would feel the need to be cautious, we have to remember these restrictions cause harm too.
Today you cant get tested without an appointment AND a QR code- there were loads of cases last week of people being turned away because they didnt have a QR code even though they had a booked appointment. Thats assuming you can get an appointment, that its somewhere you can get to, and when you get there the centre is operating - all of which are far from guaranteed
That's exactly what happened to me and had I gone alone I'd have been turned away. It was only Laura's mother kicking off and asking to see a manager that made them **** it and do my test.