Forget coffee pods or beans we get proper loose leaf tea delivered from Fortnum & Mason every month. Now that’s POSH
Have you taken delivery of the Volvo (all electric) yet? Perfect for taking Hugo and Cressida on the school run. Not forgetting the dog - a Cockerpoo no doubt. Or maybe the nanny could do the school run.
No woman will have 2 fur coats until all women have 1 fur coat. Lenin didn't mean for all socialists to be poor, but to be equal.
Bean to cup is piss easy, buy beans, put in machine, press go. When grounds container is full empty into composter (therefore earning extra middle class points) then use your compost on your organic raised beds (triple points).
Niece training to be a nanny tells me about a Knightsbridge Nanny Agency where the rich and famous get their nannies from. If qualified nannies who apply to be put on this Agency books have a number in their address (exc. postal code) they don't take them on.
Golf lessons - Jon Baldwin at Woolley, I took it up 18 months ago as a total novice and with a lesson per month with Jon I've started to really enjoy it and have had a few trips. still frustrates me me like, but it is rewarding. Like an earlier poster mentioned too some really good online resources on Youtube etc, I just needed a bit more in person support as I was straight terrible at the start.
Your next move needs to be moving to one of the outlying villages, so you’re semi rural and even though having no experience with horses or other forms of country pursuits, change your dress code from super dry/sports wear to checked shirts, overpriced Le chameou wellingtons and a needlessly expensive game jacket. One of my mates has done the same.........oh how we laugh at his Facebook photo posts
Not sure where i fit in here as ive been on either peppermint or lemon and ginger tea at work but i forgot my fork today and ate my leftover chicken, cauli and cabbage, cold, with my fingers
These are crap. Very bland and the pods blunt the blades on Nespresso machines meaning that when you get back to your senses and go back to Nespresso pods the machine won’t pierce them. Going purely single-malt as well?
You know my bodies views on whisky. I'm on a journey of discovery with the coffee so bland will do me for now. Plus the pink looks LOVELY.