That stat is in this thread three or four times from the PHE official figures. Off the top of my head it was 21% in education and 18% in the workplace. Maybe leave the pubs as is and start spreading schools across empty churches and village halls? Problem is they’re not set up for any of that
If you really want to spread schools about surely it would be better to use the premises of the poor businesses that have had to close permanently since the start of lockdown rather than forcing functional businesses to shut.
I appreciate the sentiment but as the husband of a headteacher I just need to point out that it would be completely unworkable on every level This is the advice we need basically get wanking but don’t rim any strangers.
Yeah, but we'd be back inside Oakwell just in time for the Boxing Day clash with Huddersfield. Sounds good to me. Let's run with it.
The scientists both stated the policies in place should have worked. It's the unreasonable idiots that have caused this. They're trying to thread an needle on everything they do. It's not anti business, the government's mixed messages have made the idiots in society act with reckless abandon. I'm still hear them publicly condemn the anti vaccine and lockdown mob like they did BLM. Well run pubs and businesses aren't to blame. Why did Boris 3 weeks ago try and force folk back to offices? He demonized civil servants and that was like a red rag to a bull for his base, most who believe the virus is like the flu. Let the grown ups in society keep doing the right things and get after the morons. Like some have said use other premises for schooling etc, however due to a decade of cuts who's going to teach in them? Like enforcement where are the additional police and local government officials? They all lost jobs in 2012 and they have not been trained or replaced. This is no different to the PPE issue, they acted like it wasn't their party that sold it off. The people who have benefited from the chaos are Tory donors and mates of the cabinet. I wish folk would wake up, it's not the scientists (professionals) who are the issue. Remember Mr Gove and his quote about professionals and Mr Linton Crosby's alternative facts comments when challenged about Boris' lies.
Just so folk know Chris Grayling is against any new restrictions. I think Paddy Power will be giving odds of 100000000000000/1 his opinion is right going on form.
Nandos scale is back UK virus alert level ‘should move to level 4’ ‘should move to level 4’
Took my son 3 days to book a test then had to travel to Bolton from Barnsley to take it. Malfunction after malfunction from the online booking system.
Talking cr*p I see... Who says I am anti immigration?... I am not. What is Covid shaming? I have no idea. Who says I don't wear a mask? We do every time we go out in public places where we cannot avoid safe distancing. You and your mates who live in the little anti Conservative BBB bubble who gave you likes ...carry on making stuff up if it makes you happy. Meanwhile the rest of the world including myself will get on with life. P.S. I love the moaning on here from people arguing that masks don't work and at the same time accuse me of being selfish etc. for not wearing one (which isn't even true)
More evidence to back up Loko's assertions that targeting the hospitality industry is just stupid - these are Public Health England figures
I'm not a Tory basher, though they've never done anything good for personally when in power. Technically I should vote for them cos my job should be safe for life, provided they didn't privatise law enforcement. The way they've cut and reorganised my area of work, they've weakened us not strengthened us. I take pride in my work, so I can't support them. Weird putting vocation over cash and job security but it's the way I'm wired. Take away the blue rosettes, can you tell me this government and those from 2010 have done a good job?
I still think we all can go to the pub, good establishments have proven they're safe. I feel safer in the places I visit than at supermarkets and generally walking around town.
BBC It’s not life or death for the individual to have a few pints though is it? You won’t destroy your life chances by not getting pissed whereas kids missing more school might do.
Most good businesses have adapted, kept staff on and are operating. It's a different world but one which was changing anyway especially in retail. There will always be a demand for the service sector. Its about ensuring viable businesses get support.
I see your point but It minght destroy the landlords life if his pub goes under or if a brewery goes bust all the folk who work there it could destroy theres.