No but you are talking about wiping out an entire industry - that would be bad if it was the main driver for the increase in covid transmission, but when its a very minor player do the benefits really outweigh the costs There are loads of things that are not essential or could be worked around but there are consequences. Those being treated for depression has doubled and stopping people doing non essential but enjoyable things makes this worse. This leads to increaseing in sucides and other illnesses. Also poverty which will be caused by trashing our economy also leads to many more early deaths. its really not a simple thing just shut down an industry. as many in and around Barnsley can say from experience
True mate but like the scientists said they think we can have both, just need folk to behave themselves. Doesn't help when you've got Billy Bunter running the country.
Was not aimed at you but a number on here who make stuff personal which pis*es me off. Apparently I am " selfish "for not wearing a mask ) Total fabrication (lie) In fact , I am so selfish I made a sizeable donation to out local Comune (Council) early in in the Pandemic to ensure that all the residents (approx 900 inhabitants) in our area were given masks which were delivered to every resident by the local community policeman. For the record I did not vote Conservative, nor have I for the past few elections and agree the whole Government is in total disarray. In fairness though the same accusations are being levelled at the Italian, French German, Spanish etc. and not without some justification.
that’s exactly what they’ll be doing! proclaiming greatness as millions of people don’t have COVID. And the idiots will lap it up.
where did in that post anyone say anything about not catching Covid in a Pub before 10pm Of course you can - I have no idea what percentage of covid transmission in pubs happens after 10pm - I can see the argument that if you are more drunk you are less likely to social distance but some good data would be nice.
Have you been in a pub since lockdown? No loitering around stood up, everyone has to be sat at a table, no groups over 6 now. So wether its 4 o clock or 12 the distance should be the same as people are sat in there seats. Wonder what the stats are for catching it in supermarkets when everyone's touching food putting it back getting in peoples personal space. And dont get me started on masks I've seen people wear masks driving there car alone on many occasions, are these people brain dead? Wheres virus coming from there aircon? Alot of stupid people in this country, I think if everyone applies abit more common sense it would do the world of good. But for people with health problems etc I'd still be keeping going out to pubs,supermarkets etc to a minimum.
might have been a better idea to have used all the Eat out to Help out money paying to keep pubs and restaurants shut rather than encouraging people to go out and about.
they have just spent millions in Eat out to help out. That money could have been used better. The pubs and restaurants should have said this is a daft idea.
My wife won’t have sex with me because of COVID. This is quite good actually, because usually she won’t have sex because she doesn’t fancy me anymore!
Decent guy is Rob. Always communicates the facts. Does a lot of good work on pubs/beer but also on the negative practices from casinos and ticket touts
Train up and employ thousands of new carers who can move in in rotation and isolate with the vulnerable. Spend money investing in a delivery network for care homes and the vulnerable at home who during the last lockdown had to brave Tesco because they couldn't get delivery slots It may have been a big task to do with no notice but this thing appeared at Christmas and it's now September yet we've had no recruitment drive for carers. We built hospitals in conference centres with no intention of using them and the biggest problem with care homes was that people coming out of hospital were shoved back into them taking the virus with them and/or moving them into a vulnerable situation. Radical idea but why not repurpose the white elephant nightingales as convalescent homes? Instead of leaving hospital and going straight to a care home they could leave hospital and move into these for a few weeks.
Hold on, I've been to pubs and had something to eat and three or so pints. Really enjoyed it and wasn't pissed. By doing this I hope I helped local businesses and their staff who may have kids. Really well run establishments.
On the flip side I've just been to Asda at chapeltown and saw 3 young 18/19 year olds stood outside the door putting their masks on and walking in. Whilst stood at the door a 50/55 year old man shoved past them and actually barbed one out of the way. No mask on as he stormed into the shop. I then drove through hoyland common and past 3 pubs on the main road. First one was fairly fullish (outside seating area) of young people. Nobody stood up near each other, all behaved really and fairly well spaced. Second pub had two sets of people, one group in their 20s quite apart and a group of middle aged (and one young) people stood together like they were doing a rugby scrum. Third pub, seating area quiet with big distances between people apart from the one table which had 3 sat side by side on one side so close I'm sure they were conjoined. 3 women in their 40s. Now they may all live together in a bubble but I doubt it. There's good and bad everywhere but from what I've seen the youth are certainly not the main culprits for sticking two fingers up to this. They aren't scared about dying but I know they're scared to death about the impact it will have on their life long term. Read my post about the 15 year old lass who got some hand sanitiser, heartbreaking really in a way
I don’t especially believe that there is a point to this govt shutting pubs etc at the same time encouraging people to go out to what is a non essential business and then be surprised that this creates an uptick in cases is classic Dom.
Not seen that. Only seen costs of scheme from the Treasury as being between 400 and 500 million.
Doing what I do I sometimes have to advise clients to seek insolvency advice. It is horrible to see life savings, personal assets including sometimes the family home sold to settle debt. I should like to know how many of the talking heads on the TV who are advoctes of stricter regulation actually have skin in the game
So your plan is to fully isolate all vulnerable, all their household, all carers and all their households? They would not be able to go anywhere. How do they get food? petrol? What if they break down in their cars? Do carers kids miss school while the rest of the country do not? This for what would likely be 6+ months. Is that really a better solution than an ‘all in it together’ approach?
Pubs opened 4th July. uptick in cases really end of August. EOTHO may have contributed, but so could mandated masks. (I don't believe it did) I'm just linking cause and effect.