I think the announcement will be Wednesday evening, so he can't be grilled by Stalmer about it at PMQs.
The chain of people involved with pubs is so much bigger than you realise. For a start me and Loko work in completely different industries really doing completely different jobs but if pubs all disappeared for good tomorrow we would both be out of a job so you'd have to pay the wages of the pub staff, looks wages, the lorry drivers wages, my wages, my driver's wages etc etc. You're talking many thousands of people.
not sure where the evidence that links wearing masks to an uptick in cases comes from.i have seen doubts about efficacy but not that wearing a mask may cause an increase in cases.
One thing I'm really not grasping from your point is that you say they would have to isolate for 6+ months. Isn't that what we all had to do for about 3 months? Surely it makes more sense to ask the one at risk of death to do it than ask the one at risk of death AND a random person to do it?
At the same time with people in the medical profession 4x more likely to get infected I’m not sure that people advocating the opposite have any skin in the game.
You say that but I can tell you from personal experience that businesses in the effected industries have only adapted in as much as accepting much lower income and making redundant many employees. Sure the architect firm may have adapted by having people work from home etc but the play area that has been shut for half a year has simply accepted it will make a loss, sacked half its staff and is forcing it's remaining staff to work twice as hard.
the last feeble attempt at a lockdown wasn’t really a lockdown was it? There aren’t easy answers are there? What happens to medical staff that work with clinically vulnerable people? Do we isolate them? What if they are lone parents put the kids in care?
Another 6 months closed & my main industry (weddings) is dead on it's arse. That is about 500k people in that industry alone. I really don't give a **** about football anymore. I've loved supporting my team since 1975, but I just want a roof over my head now.
A "all in it together approach"or another lockdown would be a disaster. Labour have today asked the government not to go into a 2nd national lockdown as the effects on the economy will be irreversible and I agree with them.
much of the evidence for that is American I guess as things develop they will look more at a national rather than international level.
It is indeed. The supply chains for all these industries is huge. In fact it's funny you mention airlines as I found out recently from work that the reduction in flights at an airline based out of Norfolk led to the loss of 3 jobs at a pie manufacturer in Crewe and a mechanic too.
You're right there aren't any easy answers but I think this perpetual cycle of lockdowns is a case of taking the easy option and also the most damaging option. I don't know how you would isolate everyone who would need to but surely it's easier than isolating everyone as by definition you have indeed isolated the very people I suggest and others too. One thing I do know is that having a recruitment drive for carers would have 100% helped the situation one way or another and yet it's not even been entertained
People could still go shopping though. Kids were getting taught remotely. I'm not saying I have the answers, but I just do not see how locking down the vulnerable and also making sure they have the care and supplies they need is possible.
Made more than that back for them in people being brought back from furlough, VAT, etc. https://beerandpub.com/2020/09/08/e...e British Beer,the pub and hospitality sector.
even adding the positives together doesn’t equate to a saving let alone a profit. Best case scenario you collect 465 million but have spent 522 million.
Well a lot of those who done caring jobs we have chased out in the name of getting brexit done. Carefs are poorly paid and poorly treated (on the whole) chuck in a bit of danger and it would be a hard sell to recruit loads.
They'd be getting a hefty wage for it under my plans and would be expected to move in with patients in a rotation system. A care home in Sheffield did that and didn't get a single case. Would be a hard sell though but I still think it's bonkers there not been an attempt at least.