There was a fan engagement forum this evening which concentrated only on what the club has been working on to welcome fans back to Oakwell. It sounds like a nightmare and 100s of hours of work have gone into what is a pretty complicated set of requirements/problems to solve. Some notes : Everything here is subject to change based on guidance/ what is learnt from trial games etc so none of this is set in stone only current thinking. I think / comments and feedback would be useful. The club had hoped that a 40% of stadium capacity could be achieved based on initial guidance which should have meant our 7.5K season ticket holders could have been welcomed back to Oakwell. This is now based on available space in the concourse. As a result, 3769 is the current total capacity of Oakwell North stand with a capacity of 6100 can hold 1015 East Stand upper will house a whopping 342 supporters The plan is to ask season ticket holders to form one-time bubbles of up to 6 of those they come to the match with. Fans will have to do this in the online ticketing system. A ballot will be run for each match via Ticketmaster Those not successful in a ballot will get access to the next game Working on 30% not wanting to come back (based on trials so far) approx 1500 will be unlucky not to get into a game A test and then the pilot will be required first Working towards Oct 17th fixture for the 3769 (but may change) Digital tickets will be issued (only) (Apple wallet/ pdf / mobile) No physical tickets Awaiting guidance on those without mobiles No streaming codes will be provided for those with access to the game Club are hoping to start the process of getting bubbles set up towards the end of the week. Changes in stadium Lots of signage One Way systems (maybe) Improved hand washing facilities/ gel stations etc Outdoor portaloos (many concourse toilets will not be in use) No refreshments on concourses Maybe outdoor refreshments Use outside spaces t best of ability Concourses will become corridors to get to the seat Encouraged to wear face masks Awaiting guidance on wearing them in your seat A code of conduct will be provided as part of the bubble process. Seating plan 2m away from the closest bubble in all directions Alternate rows will be used Will not sit it season ticket seat May not even sit in the stand Just allocated for entry somewhere in Oakwell Seat allocations must be strictly adhered to and will be enforced Transport Unsure about the requirement for arrival/exit time South Stand carpark will be open Fan experience Will try their best to make it an enjoyable experience Working on options for this Refreshments Maybe outside the stadium None in some areas e.g. east stand upper. The club will publish full and detailed guidance
Thanks for the update gally. One stupid question, if concourses are merely corridors why does it then have to have such a low capacity based on space in corridors? If you walk from the east stand turnstile to the gangway that is the biggest corridor I've ever seen. The distance in a supermarket is 1m, sat down at a football ground 2m. Eh? Do you k ow if these rules are EFL rules or typical Boris ******** rules that he's made up on the fly without thinking?
Thought the plans were well thought out. Fair to Everyone as is possible.. (Just glad the Don wasn’t involved) . It’s a very difficult period and guidelines will change over time. Let’s hope everyone can appreciate the difficulty the club have been put in. Having originally hoped to get everyone in from the start. Also hope the fans follow the guidelines and don’t have an attitude of doing what they want.
Can't fault the club one bit. I spent a few hours trying to simply do the seating plan and work out a capacity using Excel and things and ended up more confused than I was to start with. And that was with a proper research paper and calculations on my computer
There's a 91 page document that the club is working from that has been provided by the football authorities. I think the government delegated them to come up with their own plan. I saw a version of this about 6 weeks ago but I'm guessing it based on size to get people in and out with minimum contact.
Not stupid at all . I asked the same question. But genuinely had issues throughout with my link to the meeting. Maybe Paul got a clearer picture on that one. The rules are set mainly by the EFL on safety grounds taking into account the government guidelines at the time. Which will change when situations allow.
Yeah I assume it's a much more fleshed out and detailed version of one I saw a while back which was about 40 pages of the most confusing information I've ever read. I certainly wouldn't fancy the club's job of trying to turn the document into reality
No, but we wandered around a lot. I usually managed to see bits of the game from three different stands.
A couple of things Paul hasn’t mentioned are Priority will be given to Season ticket holders. Not the freebies to the NHS or match day passes that can be distributed to others. ( not sure on those who didn’t renew season tickets but claimed their 4 tickets ) But the period may be extended if necessary. Although they are valid till 21/22. At present. Away fans are being looked at only by clubs who rely on that revenue and are able to accommodate some. ( Generally lower league whose capacity outweighs home fans needs) Obviously Barnsley won’t be looking at that issue as it stands. The club are looking at Thursday to explain the procedures for folk to create their own bubbles to try keep families/friends together. Based on up to 6.
Given the fact we're heading for another lockdown, maybe, hospitality will be right royally f@cked, probably, and Sturgeons gonna cancel me holiday finding Nessie, this is all academic. Can't see fans back this season, sorry.