Covid kills far more people than any of the other things so should have the best protective mask of all the situations is what I am saying.
Yes I have - though not after 10 but the pub I have been in several times seems pretty safe as you say - sat at a table no one else within a couple of metres - I was saying I could see there may be logic limiting closing at 10pm but I would like to see some data to justify it. Definitely felt safer in the pub than in my local Marks simply food which has a 1 way system universally ignored and people without masks on leaning over you to get at the shelf
Watched the broadcast from Downing Street which featured the Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty and Chief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance earlier today, where they were projecting the likely outcome if we don't heed the warnings of attempting to stem the further spread of this terrible pandemic. It's frightening to even envisage that there could be up to 50,000 new cases confirmed every single day resulting in daily deaths approaching 200 per day. The only glimmer of hope, was that they said an effective vaccine might be available for use within the next six months. If those figures are credible, the NHS could be absolutely swamped and there could well be additional deaths due to Medical practitioners having to pass up on consultations leading to the diagnosis of other life threatening conditions affecting other patients, due to the need to concentrate on the sole care of Covid cases.
Were they projecting the "likely" outcome? Here's the current situation in Italy. Caution yes. But that presentation was pure scaremongering.
So pubs to shut at 10 pm and businesses to advise homeworking where there is no adverse impact I can see how 10pm curfew may make a slight difference - stress may - although it probably won’t as people will just all flood out at 10pm instead of staggered between 12 and 1 etc the second one will make no difference seems a bit tokenistic and not thought through (again) if they genuinely want to curb transmission surely they should have kept the two households rule
I don’t understand how you don’t think the second one will make a difference? Work is the one thing people can’t avoid and changing that could guarantee to keep people safe if they are cautious otherwise. If you wanted to, you could get food delivered and not go anywhere but if work makes you go in (when you could work from home with no adverse effect) then you may have to get on public transport and then you have to be near however many people you work with. Also, if it’s like my work, your colleagues will keep standing right next to you and touching everything rather than sticking to their own stuff. It doesn’t matter how careful I am in day to day life, if someone at work gets it, I’m getting it too. (And I get to hear about everyone they’ve met up with and everywhere they’ve been too so they probably will at some point). The Head is constantly sending emails telling everyone to keep socially distanced from each other but no one listens.
because from my experience businesses have taken a light approach to asking staff back (rightly so) - ie a lot of offices remain closed and those that are open are on a very low capacity. My experience is that offices and businesses are already acting responsibly and therefore I don’t think the message from the govt will make much of a difference. For those businesses that can work from home at the moment, they are doing it.
The collateral damage continues BBC News - Whitbread to cut 6,000 jobs as hotel demand slumps
I don't know what the solution is, but I think I know that this half arsed approach isn't going to work - it didn't work last time. It's like when you've got a shocking referee, and he manages to pisss off both sets of fans. We've still no proper track and trace app, we're still using masks as a substitute for social distancing and because messages are so mixed, we've still got clowns thinking it's a conspiracy and sharing garbage from social media weirdos. It'll be interesting to see what The Plan is when Our Dear Leader speaks at Lunchtime. Hopefully he has one.
Baldrick always had a plan - I doubt we will be presented with anything as good as one of his. He will have a slogan though
It's a complete shambles. We may aswell be open as normal for all the good the current measures are having.
This 50,000 has become treated by the media as if it is a fact. Although it was anounced as 'could' it was left there hanging without alternative less severe scenarios. The calculation is based on doubling every seven days (it's actually more like seventeen days but we'll leave that for now) it's simple maths that starts with 3,000 today and ends up with 48k around mid October. There you have it. What thy didn't point out is that if you apply the same simple doubling until the end of the year then there'd be 49 million daily cases in the UK. Ridiculous? well they started it. If it was calculated using a seventeen day period (2k 1st Sept to 4k 17th September) then the cases would be around 16k at mid October. Not quite the shock factor is it. There is definately an increase in cases and steps to mitagate the increase should be considered but to base a strategy based upon the above information to me seems folly. I know I have mentioned this before in another post but it seems to me that it is being glossed over by the media.
which was the whole point of the slide present something that almost certainly wont happen as a possibility knowing the Media will pick up on it and the headlines will be 50K per day by mid October. Its all this government does lies and bends facts to influence public opinion. its really not necessary either best approximations based on the fact we seem to be tracking France and Spain pretty well is somewere between 10K and 15K buy mid October - thats still more than enough to force action and scare the public so why not do it with good data rather than made up data it just undermines still further any trust in the government and gives fuel to the deniers who can point to this as evidence its all a plot
Probably so when we reach mid October the government can spin the narrative the measures have been a success.
Covid is a very serious issue and wearing face coverings that aren't medical standard (such as homemade coverings) hasn't kept cases down, so surely we should have a better quality of mask more widely available to the public.