Starmer has to appeal to the Tory blue rinse brigade in the Home and Southern Counties. Do that and he stands a chance of being electable. If as envisaged, Johnson's "oven ready " Brexit deal doesn't happen or we end up with a bad deal that has an adverse effect on the standards of living for the majority of the population, it might just register with the electorate that a change of Government might not be too bad a thing. My hope is that the Unions don't start sticking their oar in. The whole Labour movement needs to unite and support Keir in the push to get him into Downing Street.
The lefties had their go under Corbyn and Foot and got a kicking each election Blair on the other hand gave the Tories one. If those on the extreme left don't want an electable labour party there's always the Socialist workers party for them
The thing is as a leftist he’s currently alienating me at every turn by blaming “my lot” for every single Labour woe and painting us as morons
The more I see the Corbynista out-rider meltdown to the speech on Twitter, the more I think he's hitting the right ground to regain electability. The EHRC report will hopefully be a watershed moment and will result in some long overdue expulsions from the party for those responsible. I'm considering re-joining, despite the reservations about being in the same party as idiot MP's such as Burgon, Webbe, Lavery etc. The direction of travel is the key difference now. The task he faces to undo the damage of the last 5 years is immense, but he's going about it the right way so far. This quote from his speech was music to my ears. “It’s time to get serious about winning and that means we have to change. This is a party under new leadership. Never again will Labour go into an election not trusted with national security, with your job, your community or your money.”
I think they need to accept the fact that people voted leave. I think they'd emerge with more credit if they promised to get Brexit done if it hasn't been sorted by 2024.
2024? And you’d still consider the Tories if labour don’t shout get Brexit done ? If it’s not sorted by 2024 I’d say there’s your answer when the Tories come knocking again saying they’re the party of Brexit . Brexit was never gonna be easy choose who got Power you were sold a lie
If they came in and said we'll clean up this Tory mess. I'd accept them and help try and vote them in.
Theres an argument that says when everything the government does turns to **** the best thing for the opposition to do is sit on its hands and let em get on with it.
There was a Tory mess before the last election and they got a larger majority to make even more mess . The only positive I can take out of this rotten ,lousy self preserving incompetents is that I didn’t vote for them .
The thing is, Starmer was democratically elected by the membership of the party so there's an obligation to support him - if you are a party member. If you can't bring yourself to do that you should either a) campaign for change within the party - without undermining the Leader or b) become a Labour MP - in which case you don't have to accept the Leadership decisions of the party faithful as they don't apply to you.
You do have to accept the leadership decisions because if you didn't you'd be sacked by your party leader if it embarrassed the party.
At some point the party must come together and bury the hatchet otherwise we'll get more of the same. I hated how the PLP acted in recent years, but having seen the state of the country you've got to back change (even if its centre ground stuff.).
How about exercising some self-control and not opening it, if it bothers you so much? Hardly an ambiguous thread title unless you are totally retarded... Oh.
The reason why Labour, Dems in states and other left centre parties have issues, they're not ruthless. The Tories under Boris withdrew the whip on MPs and cast them into political oblivion (probably working for Serco or Deloitte). They'll oust PMs and sell their mothers, partners and kids for power.
I'd agree with that but then I always did. I think it does miss the point though - which much of this discussion does. The key question for Labour is one it really doesn't want to face. Is it to be a party governed by a set of centre left values? Or does it just want to make itself re-electable to many of what is now the 'new Blue Wall'. If it choses to chase that 'traditional vote' I can't see how it can call itself a progressive democratic centre left party because a lot of those voters do not hold those kinds of views, and to be frank - they never did. Their support for the party was routed in working class/union structures that they had grown up with. But that, for many, never came with what could be described as 'leftist' views. A conundrum.
Maybe if voters concentrated more on what the current incumbents are not doing things might get done or at least shown up for what they actually are and achieved . The Labour Party for four more years are an irrelevance as to what’s happening to the country. It’s a side show diverted by the Tory Media to take our minds off what this **** show are doing or not doing . The country’s in a mess with no leadership yet the media covers the opposition ? Wonder why that is ? If labour were in power they would be demanding a general election but instead are wallowing in the chaos to make their millions . No wonder we’re the worlds money launderers at least we’re beating far off little islands at something under our beloved Tory’s .