Parody... his own advisor drove 60 miles to a tourist attraction and stopped at a beauty spot on his wife’s birthday during the middle of lockdown ....and now he’s lecturing us on tv about breaking rules!! Absolute buffoon!
Dominic? It's a close call though. I can honestly say I have never in my life seen someone so clearly incompetent in the job they are paid to do though. And I've seen myself
It's one of the reasons I refuse to own a mirror and hide when I see a camera. (Insert your own punchline)
I hate Trump more. Absolutely 100% detest him and I feel it as strongly as the word implies. I hate Johnson and think he's a piece of **** but it's thankfully not on the same level as Trump.
Same here but the pair of them flying to a special meeting on air force one would be one plane crash I'd be quite happy about. Gets rid of both of them and we get a new episode of air crash investigation too. Win win
Not sure about Bo jo. but Cummings certainly did. Sorry ST just read em back. Guess you meant Cummings.
Really! Although I’ll be rooting for a Trump victory in November he’s surely got to be the most obnoxious politician to ever hold office. A truly odious individual.
That's where I can tell really obviously my difference in feelings of them. I see no reason for Johnson to die, he'll quit soon anyway or be pushed out by backstabbers in his own party. He's an egotistical, misogynistic, racist (insert expletive here) but so are lots of people and he dislikes hard work enough to bother sticking at being in charge so he'll soon become an irrelevance. Trump is dangerous and I hate myself for even thinking it but I wouldn't be sad if he died today, in fact I'd probably be glad. I know that is horrendous but it's true and if he gets 4 more years of power then I feel very, very sorry for everyone it impacts in any way (including us most likely in whatever trade deal we eventually do).
I don't think it is bad to feel that way to be honest. Think of it another way, if you were alive in 1940 would it be wrong of you to wish that Hitler died? Sometimes while it may sound bad and shocking there's nothing actually wrong with thinking something like that about an undoubtedly evil person. Boris I wouldn't particular want him dead and I don't think I'd be glad about it but if it happened then I'd be no more sad about him dying than I would anyone else I've never met really. But if it got me a new episode of ACI then it's a sacrifice worth making to be honest. Can't get enough of that programme
I put him on a par with olives. Detest both. You have to appreciate how much I detest olives. Rest of the tories on a par with sprouts. Arrrrrrgh
The old Hitler paradox. If you could travel back in time and kill Hitler as a baby, would you? You might be tempted knowing what you know that he did, but the result for me personally (and many of us) would never being born and our entire family (and most friends) never living. As for Johnson, hes currently lecturing us about following the rules while trying to push a bill through Parliament that will literally allow him to break and law - domestic or international. Hypocritical, self-serving narcissistic cockwomble.