Boris might want reminding that concentrating so much on Covid is costing many more lives in other ways.
You know way back at the end of March I remember that i was slightly annoyed I still had to go to work while others worked from home or were furloughed. Right now I couldn't be happier I still get to go to work every day. On the whole it's still fairly normal. It's also means I get to mix with 100s of people and have done all the way through.
I can only echo the positive experience I’ve had in pubs. I’m not sure the virus just goes to bed at 10pm, so not sure these measures will curb the spike. People will still be at the pub from 11am. All the while folk brush against me in the supermarket on a daily basis and people have their noses out on the daily work commute. **** off Boris.
As are the people cheering on all the lockdown measures they’ve put in place who propagate the continuation of this regime.
Buyer's remorse = the promise the borders would be staffed and that it would be frictionless actually means 7000 lorries stuck at border in worst case scenario. Our government only deal in worst case so that's nailed on then.
"Infection rates rising sharply in almost all areas where local measures were introduced over summer." Time for a rethink, you'd think.
The government haven’t consulted with the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies And the 10pm curfew hasn’t been modelled. Key members of that group saying there’s no evidence that suggests it will make a difference. The behavioural science sub-group also weren’t consulted to give their expertise on what this would do for mental health, how people would react, etc.
The trouble is, they're that thick they just think its because they're not locking down hard enough and just double down on their policies that have constantly failed for six months. The Spanish have had the Army on the streets yet have the worst death rates of any Western country other than Belgium. It couldn't possibly be that lockdowns just don't work?
Also, news like this isn't promoted. This should be common practice.
The 10 o’clock thing is beyond stupid and attacks a vulnerable industry at the worst time. Vapid tokenism that will achieve nothing other than to damage those industries. I can see both sides of the argument with the hospitality industry but on balance with the measures that have been taken it seems bizarre to punish them in this way.
I'm obviously against it all and against lockdown at a national level altogether. But I do appreciate reading some of the reasoned comments and opinions on here even if I don't agree with him. The 10pm curfew is a crock of horse manure though. Gove on TV saying something like 'we lose the ability to social distance after a drink'. That's fine, not sure many would argue around that being true for certain people (not all), so then why have we lumped all of hospitality in together? Why haven't restaurants been allowed to carry on as normal with the focus being on pubs if they think that's the issue? Why not then go one step further and segment the pub industry - knowing that not all pubs are the same. Is it a high street/city centre issue? Is it drink led pubs? Late night pubs? Basically they don't know because the data they do have tells them that hospitality isn't the problem, which means they can't segment the industry. They also have zero evidence that a 10pm curfew has any impact. They're making it up as they go along.
You are aware that death rates fell massively when lockdown was introduced in this country, and when it was eased rates of infection (which will follow on to deaths we can only assume) have risen again? I get that lockdowns ruin the economy etc and they're not a long term solution, but I'd love to know how you think lockdowns don't work.
Because that would overcomplicate things and you know that the government prides itself on clarity of message. BTW I couldn't agree more.
This is just not true, for two reasons: 1) When you take into account the lag between initial infection and death, death rates had already peaked prior to lockdown starting. 2) The death curve followed exactly the same curve in almost all Western countries, whether they went full on mentalist fundamental military lockdown (Spain) or laissez-faire policy (Sweden), or anything in between. So it's nonsense to say the UK lockdown was the cause of the curve turning downwards.