Haha not like them all you like, but we'll be having words if you feel the need to join the old Greggs boycott brigade.
Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Or, more specifically, fight stupid with stupid. The amount of stupid I personally see on social media, on a daily basis, is so depressing it's quite beautiful.
Trouble is the people that’s directed at probably think the same, in that they think their actions are justified too, just depends what side of the fence someone is on. Im not saying racists etc shouldn’t be called out but by using the same racist terminology makes the caller out no better.
Like I said before, the people I'm referring to, the bona fide Gammon-SS, with pineapple on top, are too dyed in the wool to be educated and/or enlightened on any issue.
It's not racist terminology, it's a way of thinking terminology. Corbyn wouldn't get referred to as gammon and he's a white middle class male.
I can imagine people having a row in a pub going you're a gammon. No you're a gammon. I'm going home you racist.
Not saying it’s Racist Helen, saying it shouldn’t be acceptable to use derivative comments when it suits an agenda. I find it interesting that it’s not OK to be abused(which I think everyone agrees with) but it’s OK for the abuser to be abused. Does that not make the person criticising the abuser an abuser too?
Neither should terms like 'snowflake', 'woke', 'remoaners', 'looney liberal lefties', 'millenials', etc. I'm certain you've been as passionate about raising concerns when these terms have been used on here, as you have 'Gammons'.
Totally agree, BTW I never specified Gammon I said it makes me laugh when people abuse others a very generic term.
That’s different again if the person is being abused I can understand them defending themselves I’m talking about others who call people names for calling someone names.
I think less is more. I understand doing it last season but much like clap for carers that went on too long it's lost it's meaning.
I have never raised for any specific item including the phrase Gammon, so no would be the answer to your question.
Thank you. It's obviously mere coincidence that you made your views clear on a thread that was discussing the term 'Gammon', rather than 'snowflake', 'woke', or 'remoaner'. Fair enough.