Message from the labour leader. my vision for Britain is simple. I want this to be the best country to grow up in and the best country to grow old in. A country in which we put family first. A country that embodies the values I hold dear. Decency, fairness, opportunity, compassion and security. Security for our nation, our families and all of our communities. A better future is possible for Britain. To deliver that future we must restore people's trust in Labour as a force for good and a force for change. As we get serious about winning, we need as many of us as possible to join together, taking on the Tories and fighting to rebuild Britain. will you join me? Labour stands for a Britain that offers world-class education, an economy which doesn't force people to move hundreds of miles from family and friends just to find a decent job. A world-leader in tackling the climate emergency. We have a mountain to climb, but we are climbing it. I am determined that we will once again be a party of government. This is the country I grew up in and it's the country I will grow old in. And I want it to be the country I know it can be. That, in the end, is why I do this. To change lives for the better. Thank you, Keir Starmer
I received that yesterday as a Labour member. It disappointed me in it's Johnson-esque jingoism. 'World-class' this, 'the best country' that. How many grassroots Labour members give a stuff about that kind of rhetoric crazed on proving we're better than other nations? We (at least used to be) are an internationalist party. 'As we get serious about winning...' Kier, you're addressing people who worked themselves to the bone canvassing in a freezing fcking December, getting spat at and punched on the doorsteps to SERIOUSLY win a Labour election. Save that tripe for The S*n
Starmer said all he needed to, clearly and heartfelt. It certainly resonated with myself It is a welcome change from spin, rhetoric and lies peddled by Bumbling Worzel and his litany of brain deads. Ask yourself this: Do I believe what Sir Keir Starmer says? Do I believe what Boris Johnson says?
I don't particularly like it but there's a few soundbites in there that might get through to those who voted for Johnson's catchphrases last time
And the BVI. And Belize. And any other current or ex-Crown Colony you can think of. They're all being used for tax dodging by the wealthy.
you do know that tax evasion dwarfs benefit cheating? by about 20x the last time I checked. Get the corporate scroungers in check and we can start (maybe) to have nice things. But yeah, someone not declaring the extra £20 they earned cash in hand is destroying this country.
The tories will never come down hard on tax evasion, waste in public services, excessive utility bills, the lack of meaningful training in technical jobs, a country wide victim mentality, terrorism, hillsborough, orgreave etc but neither did labour when they were in. I know a lot on here have undying love for political parties that were part of their growing up but those days have gone and between them most politicians are greedy, selfish, cowardly,out of touch, career yes people that will do nothing positve or meaningful for thee and me choose what party theyre in
Words of passion are so easily spoken in opposition, unfortunately, the reality of government is compromising ones beliefs to keep power, often at the expense of the very people that helped in achieving said power.
Just thought I’d add a bit of labour to the subject. I’m with you. I’m not a full blown lefty. ( I’m not even sure what that means btw) I would like to see Re-nationalisation of the energy companies. Public service providers. Eg Water. But more than that. Rid of the tories. I’ve always said I hate the tories more than I love ( shall we say) New labour.
I'd like re-nationalisation of the railways and be able to get a cross country inter-city from Pontefract Baghill to Sheffield without having to travel to Wakefield or Leeds.