You can mate. I see segmentation every day that distinguishes between type of outlet; drink led, food led, high street, rural, sports focused, etc I'm not saying it would be easy to do, but we're all discussing this online. Pay me a decent salary and give me 60+ hours a week to focus on nothing else and I'll figure out a way to break it all down. At worst you leave restaurants as they are and you close down the high streets/city centres for two weeks with a support package - but there's no point in doing that because there's no evidence that the high street is a problem.
That's disgusting and cannot be allowed to happen. It's a complete violation on human rights if someone isn't in charge of what is pumped in to their own body. Glad to see Raab taken to task this morning. The whole economy being ruined when it's clear what needs to be done. Sarah Vine has just done her latest column knocking the government. As seen above which links to her previous articles, she's got a history of this. Obviously just because she's married to a politican she doesn't have to tow the line for her husband, but it's very funny how often she attacks the decision making of the boss of her husband.
1) possibly, but people were already starting social distancing measures prior to lockdown because they knew what was coming. The fact is that death rates in lockdown became a lot lower than when we weren’t in lockdown. 2) if you want to talk about Sweden, compare them to their near neighbours who did lockdown and see how they fared
The disease is transmitted by people carrying it and passing it on - thats how it got here in the first place No serious scientist would suggest that had we not locked down and prevented people moving around and meeting the curve would not have gone significantly higher before coming down. Whether the lockdown was done in the right way is more open to debate but to say it had no effect is not something any science supports. Whether the current half arsed measures will have any effect is much more debateable - some controls are needed but the way they have been implemented makes no sense. A cynic might say the govermnet has deliberately published the 50K scenario so that when we dont get close to that they can point to the measures working , but also point to the fact that people still didnt follow the deliberately illogical and confusing rules as the reason its not better. Of course a properly working track and trace system is far more effective but that requires competent planning rather than an excuse to lob your mates some dosh
That's true, however it will be interesting to see if the numbers start to increase on this graph. That's not to say whether Sweden did the right or wrong thing, just that its definitely of interest to the world (or it should be)to see what the outcome is.
Agreed, I hope it works out for Sweden and we can all learn from it but countries like Germany, South Korea and Vietnam who have had lockdowns have been more successful.
It's all rather sinister to report someone for that. Great to see a 5th day in a row with a decrease of calls.
Is there a danger that people fed up with restrictions won't ring 111 until they're really ill and this will cause a reduction in cases but a boom in admissions.
Have you even read the ******* graph you linked? Literally shows the opposite of what you say it does.