Those who vote no I guarantee believe 5G conspiracies & don't believe it's a thing (and they hate the BBC) Just download it if you can FFS.
It is declared that anyone who does not worship the beast or its image would be killed. The lamb-horned beast from the earth also causes all people to receive the mark of the beast "in their right hand or in their forehead."
Brave new world , Kes and Tim at 4pm have been moved to another table and Steve at 6pm has been allocated our table which mean 2 more hours for us and I didn’t have to neck the Deep Fried Mars Bar Stout
You're obviously not worth saving. Die, peasant, die! Seriously though, wiki says the iphone6 had a release date of Sept 2015. Is that really obsolete tech... 5 years?!
3 years is obsolete these days. I've a Samsung S9, 2 & a half years old & it's going to be no good in 12 months. Operating systems take up more & more space & components have built in obsolescence. Already had to have a repair to the charging port.
Bonkers isn't it? I only ever got an i phone because the contract I had at the time was going up, just to keep my old Samsung! When my i phone contract came up, I had no need for a new phone - so just switched to Giff Gaff. Obviously my phone will sooner or later be made obsolete by Apple's money grabbing, but until it doesn't work, I really don't need anything else.
The app should have been made available on any smartphone. Although not to worry as Matt Hancock when asked earlier about compatibility basically said we can just go and buy a new phone. Are the government paying?
I struggle with turning the tele on and have only just understood the intricacies of the microwave oven (known in Tafftalk as 'Popty-Ping') - apologies for digressing.....(I can play the piano tho') I have a cheap Teso Alctel (£6 per month) - app free - can phone and receive/send messages - that's all!
I have a QR scanner set up to eg to look at a premises menus. The NHS app which installs a scanner. I assume having read quickly through. Will contact you as soon as any incident occurs. I think and don’t take my word you will have to download the nhs app. For track and trace. Any experts out there. ?
I have a feeling this comment will attract me some criticism but I'm currently avoiding all places with contact tracing as I don't want to have to isolate. If I have to download the app to access anywhere essential then I will.
Just seen a run through on the news, which then shows you can turn off contact tracing. Which sort of defeats the point, no? The presenter stated that was if you were wearing PPE. Which then goes on to suggest if you stay at home most of the time, and only ever go out with PPE, then the app is completely redundant and pointless.
Just had a conversation with someone who has a smartphone and can download it but refuses to do so. Same person has been moaning about track n trace etc not working. I lightly suggested to him that he was now part of the problem and no longer has any right to moan about it. But what about my data he says... Meanwhile he uses facebook, insta, twitter, google etc.. Said do you think you are not giving far more data to those companies. Apparently it's not the same. (Facepalm).. All this app does is store for a time limited period and encrypted tag which links up should tracing be required. You don't even have to use the postcode bit as far as I am aware. Just think folk should download it if they can and do their bit. Everything has gotta help. If you don't, same as above applies how can you moan about track n trace not working. This is far better than places writing your name and number on a scrap of paper everytime you visit somewhere. Government should have had this app in place within a month of the first case, if not sooner so big failure on their part. Apple seem to be the problem here, they could have quite easily for the benefit of the entire country stuck a little update in the cloud for older phones to download and allow the app to work. Same tech is being used in Scotland and some other countries in their apps so they will have the same. Unfortunately that is Apple for you, focused only on profits and not in the interest of the world..
It's bonkers. I'm no techie by any stretch of the imagination, but I can't imagine doing anything different with my mobile in 5 years time to what I'm doing now. I reckon lots of people are like that and would, as @fired says above, happily keep going for years. All this constant updating/upgrading feels like a con. And after watching Extinction last night, it's not helping from an environmental perspective either. I bet there's loads of iphone6's and similar age models still in use and if the govt are serious about this virus, the app should be allowing for maximum possible coverage. Edit. Apologies if any of the above sounds like I'm shouting at you. I'm not, honest.
Would argue not though. How many people go out in full PPE? Answer is zero, surely. A face mask bought from Barnsley market ain't PPE.