What happens if you get a message that you have been in contact with someone with Covid and you have to self-isolate for 14 days? Is the NHS app then 'blocked' for 14 days so you can't use it to go anywhere where phone details are taken? I guess the group most vulnerable to getting Covid are the ones who are the least likely to have a Smart phone or similar to download the app in the first place??
And anyone who has a test in a public health England lab, as part of the national surveillance testing program or in an hospital doesn't get included in the app. So I can use the app, stand right next to a person for an hour and they test positive for covid 5 hours later in hospital but the app won't accept that positive test and I'll never know. Flawed as always
I don't think so, the app (according to what I've read) estimates your proximity to other phones with the app, by measuring the bluetooth signal strength and computes the probability of you being infected (if the owner of the other phone is logged as COVID positive) based on the proximity and duration. If this is right then the actual location is of little significance.
The people behind the app itself have confirmed you are only logged as leaving a venue either when you check in to a new venue or at midnight when it resets the app. If you think about it if it knew your location you wouldn't have to scan QR code at the door when you enter a venue. All seems like a completely useless crock of ****
Apparently it only recognises tests carried out by the Serco (majority) centres. If you used the actual NHS testing system it doesn't show up.
From what I can work out it depends on what you consider the point. It does use Bluetooth to tell if youre right next to someone else with the app but that seems to be just an added feature that isn't the main use of the app. It's main use is someone tests positive, they look where that person has been checked into recently and a contact tracer gets access to everyone else's check-ins from the same day at the same location then that person makes a judgement call on if they think you might have possibly been there at the same time. You then have to self isolate and lose money and freedom for 2 weeks based on someone guessing that you may have been at the same place as an infected person at the same time. What an half arsed effort that is
So the NHS application is actually no NHS at all but a Serco one that only works with Serco test and trace. Hard to credit that something as fundamental as an actual NHS test can’t be used. So someone infectious finds out they are but can’t use the App to alert other app users. They’ve only had 6 months. Brilliant
Yes. Also the fact that it needs IOS 13.5 or Android 6, I think a significant number of people can't use it, possibly about 50% when you include those that either don't have a mobile at all or those that don't have smartphones.
Control. The more people they can say they have in a venue the more they can blame said venue and the more commoners they can force to isolate
That could be political due to the negativity in the press about china spying on us with Huawei products
From the NHS app's own website How does the NHS COVID-19 app know when I’ve left a venue? The app registers what time you enter a venue but does not register what time you leave. You do not need to check out of a venue. Your phone will register when you check into somewhere new, and it will automatically check you out of your last venue at midnight.
Thats one part of its functionality. The Bluetooth tag is for close contact ie within 2m of someone who has tested positive. Think that is the better indication. Check in is just another function..
But check in is what they say is to be used by a contact tracer to identify if someone was in a venue at the same time as an infected person. If you think about it logically you wouldn't need to check in at all if it was the Bluetooth distances being used.
Although, I am more than up for trying any app that may help. Bonkers not to give it a whirl.. data argument doesn'tstand up to possible death IMO.. surely we have enough tech geniuses in the country to develop something that is truly fit for purpose.. Don't mind having it at all but they do need to improve it to make it play a positive impact in managing this virus. Stuff like this, surely fundamental really innit. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavi...ed-to-new-nhs-app-developers-suggest-12082178
Oh yeah get that. Maybe something that is down to the data available, the check in may form part of the key maybe?? Just a thought, so the location element added to the bluetooth tag would then create a unique key.. I completely agree by the way, the amount of time it has taken to put this together for the end product is a bit laughable really. Still better than nothing, but so much more could be done tech wise to make this far easier.