I guess what I meant is, if all the students in the room are positive, then my chances of catching it are greater than if the proportion of positive students matches that in the general population.
Rooms aren't big enough to keep a distance and all it takes is for someone with it on the front row to cough or sneeze and you're getting it as there are no masks in classrooms; no amount of hand sanitiser is going to protect you from that.
I thought you'd packed in teaching a couple of years ago due to the shitty way you were being treated. What made you go back?
I did. I don’t teach anymore, I manage the library at a secondary school/sixth form and I bloody love it! I was asked to cover a maternity leave and teach English there which I considered but turned down as it wasn’t long after I’d left my last school and I thought it wouldn’t be a good idea.
First all the A level stress and now they don't know if they can come home for Christmas. The government should make sure every university student can be tested and allowed home to spend the festive period relaxing with their loved ones.
Sorry please ignore my attempts to post a video off a massive street party in York. I little or no computer skills
For a bit of balance regarding York (where my eldest is a student). Anyone who has been to York at a weekend (@Bossman) will tell you it is rammed with hen parties and stag dos - loads of adults out on pub crawls etc. It’s got to a point where students tend to avoid going in town - they tend to go out on a Wednesday or Thursday. Now obviously freshers week starts tomorrow, so there will have been some students within that crowd, but it’s clear that there are also older adults involved. I realise that you aren’t blaming anyone in particular, but i do think students are becoming an easy target this week. Feel very sorry for the ones starting out and “trapped” in halls.
The 'full university experience' has nothing to do with university fees. The fees pay for the teaching of a course. The extracurricular 'experience' is funded differently and independent of the university and I include university clubs and societies in that.
Thanks for that information fired. I was only going by the street party in this awful contagious situation.