Another point to add to your already credible list, is that the best pubs/operators don't let the stag parties/race crowds in. So yes you'll see them, but avoiding them can be quite easy. The Maltings is a great example of this.
Yeah he's got that place well drilled. Misbehave even slightly and you won't last two minutes. Never knew it was cash only!
I agree with much of what you say mate, I also think Spark is a fantastic place, I probably didn’t word my reply correctly, I absolutely love York and I’d move there tomorrow if I could, (I’m probably up there once every 6 weeks) I just find it more enjoyable midweek, than the weekends also @Loko the Tyke you’re spot on regarding the Maltings pal, it’s one of my favourites
I don't disagree with any of what you have said - I was just pointing out that students seem to be being blamed for something that happened last night. From what my daughter tells me, York City Centre is a bit of a "no-no" at weekends because they get better deals in the week and it's full of "day trippers/ tourists" particularly on Saturdays. Certainly everyone she knows tends to stay on campus or local to their digs at weekends. I showed her the video footage of last night, and she said she thought it would be part students , but mainly day trippers / visitors. Ther'es no doubting York is a fantastic day out. My daughter is in her final year, and I'm gutted we can't have more days up there at the moment.
Oh completely agree. Always was the case. Town midweek, campus at the weekend. Tbf the uni is better integrated now with the city than it was. And the video doing the rounds (the fallout of which will dominate my entire week) won't have been students
I thought it was mate, I’m sure we’d had a conversation about it in the past, it’s a brilliant place,
Race crowds are awful. A lot of young d1ckheads aspiring to be even bigger d1ckheads. But you can avoid them easily enough, and York is a cracking day/night out all days of the week
Just to add @fired you need to get her to stay in York. My parents use our house like an Airbnb or second home! They enjoy more nights out than we do!
What are 'Race Crowds'? It sounds spectacularly racist, particularly coming from someone who I know is absolutely not. When explaining this to me, pretend you're speaking to your dad, there's every chance I'm a lot older than him.
Horse Racing mate. The groups of weekend wannabe champagne millionaires* that have been out drinking since their Wetherspoon's breakfast at 10am *I include myself in this group once or twice
Tuition fees: 9 grand a year Maintenance grant: 9 grand a year Three year university course, August, a month after you've graduated, no job yet, mortgage still ahead of you, a desire to have a family and provide for your kids, but already £54,000 in debt, so you can contribute to society with what you've learnt. But, you know, thanks for your input.
It’s alright though as if you live in the South East you can get yourself a nice starter terraced home for 800k.
You know full well that Student debt is completely different to any other debt and you only pay back when you can afford to and at a rate that is affordable. Most students won’t ever pay back their whole £54k because it will get written off before they earn enough to pay it off. So, like I said, student debt is never crippling but that doesn’t fit your agenda.
My wife and have paid off our student loans but when we were paying it off it was a big dint in the household finances and we were both on good wages and only had early 00s level of debts. I was also fortunate that my employer funded my Masters. Whilst I appreciate the amount you pay off only increases with pay, the lower your income the more each penny means to you and the longer you'll be paying it off. I have friends who it has had a big impact on and still have it to pay. Coupled with the fact the amount you were given was means tested, so those from lower income backgrounds ended up with higher debt.
It can be an issue with mortgage affordability and it will.need paying back over the next 30 years. The good thing is that it can be suspended if you cant afford it.