For someone who is not up to date with modern speak can you please explain to me what is a gammon ? I have eaten gammon on many occasions and love it but I suspect the word now has another meaning
They are older men of (usually) right-wing tendency, usually a bit overweight, who get angry about almost anything, thus get a bit red in the face....
Cheers , strange how people"s politics can be decided by how they look , I have heard Sheff utd fans refer to pork/gammon as a description for wednesday fans but I prefer my understanding of gammon , on a plate accompanied by masses of chips with an egg stuck on top .
It comes from Dickens (Nicholas Nickleby), so not exactly new, but has been reappropriated in the last few years. "The time had been, when this burst of enthusiasm would have been cheered to the very echo; but now, the deputation received it with chilling coldness. The general impression seemed to be, that as an explanation of Mr. Gregsbury’s political conduct, it did not enter quite enough into detail; and one gentleman in the rear did not scruple to remark aloud, that, for his purpose, it savoured rather too much of a 'gammon' tendency. The meaning of that term—gammon,' said Mr. Gregsbury, 'is unknown to me. If it means that I grow a little too fervid, or perhaps even hyperbolical, in extolling my native land, I admit the full justice of the remark. I am proud of this free and happy country. My form dilates, my eye glistens, my breast heaves, my heart swells, my bosom burns, when I call to mind her greatness and her glory."
I haven't downloaded it and don't intend to. It's designed to stop people going out for fear of being pinged and having time off work. The government want us all to be good little people only travel for work and essential shopping and then be up for work bright and early the following Monday so you can pay your taxes. It's a con.
I can confirm KFC wont let you in at xscape without it. Was in on Saturday. Further the Virtual Reality place also. And on their board outside specifically said, no entry if you dont scan in. Quite a few places in xscape have the QR system set up
Seems really weird that those who are most against restrictions are also the most against doing things that will allow the restrictions to be relaxed.
And just to add. KFC is classed as a restaurant I believe. It wasnt table service either. Same go to counter and order and move to one side for collection and then sit
Never let the media or the way the government are acting make you think the situation is worse than it is.
I've no interest in being told I need to isolate for two weeks because of a poorly designed app. I'll just avoid as many places as i can. They should update their Covid guidance as people will be turning up not knowing.
No they shouldn't they should follow the NHS /govt guidance surely - see link If I create an official NHS QR code poster for my venue in England, does this remove my responsibility to collect contact details by other routes? If your business or venue falls into one of the sectors or categories that should provide a customer log, and a visitor chooses to check-in using the official NHS QR code, they will not need to provide their contact details by any other route. However, you will still need to offer a manual option for recording visitors' contact details, for people who do not have a smartphone or do not want to use the NHS COVID-19 app.
I'm not sure it can as I read its basically relying on people voluntarily isolating. Still given the way the government changes its stance anything is possible. If I absolutely have to get it to do something then i will. But if I can I will just avoid places.
I dont fancy sitting on 00 bar having a pint and bring told i have to self isolate cos someone in Odwyers has a dose.
Those who the app who get a positive result will now its a criminal offence have random door knocks from the plod.