I see you’ve gone back to mentioning deaths, but stopped talking about them before when they were rising considerably? Now why is that? Didn’t fit your own agenda perhaps?
Ive been strongly encouraged to download it at the B&B i am currenly staying at so I have I have a huge unanswered question at the moment - say I nip into a pub for a quick lunchtime drink and check in then go on for a walk and dont check in to my accomodation until 6pm - thats 6 hours in the pub as far as the app is concerned lets say a guy goes into the pub at 5pm when I am "still there" despite being halfway up a mountain at the time and he goes down with Covid the next day - do I get told to isolate - if not why not and what is the reason for checking in?
Only 10?? Only 10 mums, dads, grandparents or loved ones?? Imagine how the news “Only 0.003% of the metropolitan police force was shot and killed this week.” would have been received.
I'm not commenting on the 'should go bust' line of thought, or putting forward any opinion at all, just saying that there have been a number of places I've been to that only allowed entry if using the app.
Downloaded the app for gym , scanned code and then was told to turn the contract tracing off whilst in gym for 4 hours . Seems to defeat the object of having the app if you get told to turn it off
How many mums, dads and grandparents died of cancer yesterday? How many of the 10 70+ and 80+ people who died, died of Covid-19 rather than with Covid-19? How much extra funding does that NHS Trust receive if they include Covid-19 on the death certificate? How do the families of those 10 people who died feel about Covid-19 being included on the death certificate? I now know a couple of people whose grandparents have died in the last few months, who were receiving palliative care after cancer took over only to find Covid-19 has been given as the cause of death.
To be honest I haven't been going many places anyway as I don't enjoy things with restrictions. I went and bought a car last week. Had to sign some forms so I could test drive it alone, that was about the extent of it. Apart from trips to the supermarket I've switched to online for most of shopping. I haven't set foot in a pub, restaurant/cafe, cinema since March. I went I to the Alhambra once and have no plans to repeat that either. If I absolutely have to download the app to go in somewhere I will. Though I may just delete it afterwards.
The point is that's life, we seem to have elevated Covid above all other things. It's ok for people to die but not of Covid.
Person: my gran died last week Person 2: that's sad. soz Person: yeah she died of covid Person 2: omg I'm so so so so sorry, that's awful. I can't imagine what you're going through.
Headline on BBC website. Covid deaths worldwide pass agonising 1m mark. Meanwhile smoking has killed over 6 million people in the same timeframe. One results in people being locked in their homes, entire industries forced to close their doors for half a year and the cancellation of medical services to the public. The other is used by the government as a way to make a bit of cash.
I think people are aware of the dangers now. However, they are wise to the stats. The harsh reality is that if you're under sixty you might not even show symptoms. People are rightly questioning measures.
Ill stick my neck out a bit here with this prediction. As the nights draw in and the weather deteriorates suicide will be a bigger killer under 60 than Covid.
You self isolate because the app tells you to and you nip to the supermarket 4k fine Refusing to name family after a positive test. Upto 10k fine. Unless it is a wedding reception you cannot sing or dance. Or play loud music. Upto 10k fine The app by the way doesnt tell you where you got the 'Rona just the proximity. So you can literally be in 00 Bar and some ****** can have a dose in Mcnicolas cocktail bar next door. Youd both have to self isolate. Remind me again. Whom scrutinised all this...
The app will help us all out during flu season whilst you get your flu jab through your shirt with the plastic cap still on the needle.
Weren't you saying that you needed an inhaler months after recovering from COVID? Around 500,000 currently reporting long-COVID symptoms in the UK. 14 million people in the UK are over 60. 14 million people (not the same 14 million) are obese. 2 million+ are living with cancer or within 10 years of a cancer diagnosis. 3 million with diabetes. 850000 with dementia (including 50000 under 60). Those at higher risk in the UK are a significant proportion of the population.
I'm obese. I had the anti-body test and it came back negative. I showed symptoms I isolated and the Covid swab test about 4 weeks ago. The results came back negative. I'll openly admit the needing of the inhaler could have been my anxiety kicking in due to the media frenzy back at the heart of the pandemic. I may have presented symptoms in my head due to panic at the time. Fact is I've been in packed supermarkets, arcades and pubs whilst on holiday and haven't contracted it as yet. I'm aware of the dangers and am following guidelines for sanitising and wearing of a mask etc. I just don't think it's as bad as first thought. The data has changed my opinion. That isn't me poo pooing Covid in any way. I'm not jumping the queue for a dose or anything.