<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Over the last 6 months the Johnson government has handed over £48 million to Initia Ventures Ltd for provision of PPE.<br>Nothing wrong with that, you may think - but Initia is a dormant company, and has been since it was formed in 2010... <a href="https://t.co/O1iPPmsO1c">pic.twitter.com/O1iPPmsO1c</a></p>— The Prole Star (@TheProleStar) <a href="">September 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yes it's true. They last filed as a dormant company in January this year but have been handed £48m by Boris for PPE. Another similar one is a company with just £6,000 in assets (considerably less than a local joiner would have) was given £40m for PPE that has never materialised.
I've actually been looking at setting up a company myself. As a sole trader. Let it be dormant type of thing, but then I can wonder into bookers and get a barrel of lager for 100 quid. And pucker pies for 50p etc. Might ask boris if he wants to launder money at same time like
Because everybody who's halfway conscious knows that they're bent. Those that don't care won't start caring because somebody draws attention to it on a message board.
Check out Lord Agnew's comments from a leaked internal Treasury document. Mates rates doesnt quite cut it.
Why is this not a National Scandal ? It’s not the first time. Wasn’t there a defnce / ship building contract dished out in similar circumstances ? Why aren’t Labour making a huge deal of it? I’m sure if the roles were reversed and it was Corbyn, he would be hounded. Why are they getting away with it? Bemused.
Not the only one either ! https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/en...C0npCcNDNKlicg8P6heHSMEtvmQmFttNCT6bOAW95Te3I
No - but i kind if expect the Leader of the Opposition, and perhaps the press to make a big deal of it?
Because they’re illegally preventing people from having sex, children from being educated, workers from having livelihoods and families from attending weddings and funerals and no one seems to give a **** about any of that stuff, so really who gives a **** about £48m of spunked PPE money?
See the final two posts (Sparky and TM) for my thoughts. It doesn't matter anymore. Once upon a time there'd be riots in the streets, folk like these would be removed from power. But now, we all just accept our lot. Scary times.
See it slightly the other way round mate.. the owners fund the government’s advertising campaigns. the government keeps em happy. The owners and government con the public. When will voters wake up and smell the coffee. Turkeys voting for Xmas. I genuinely believe. ( not in my lifetime) that the tories will become extinct. The younger generations are much smarter than aged middle class England. and will read through their lies and propaganda.
While ever the political landscape only serves up 2 bland corrupt parties then all you ever will be served is yet another Blair , major , brown , may , Cameron , Johnson . All Pro war , all Pro big business . Kier starmer anyone ?
Tories just passed a Bill which deliberately intends to break international law by the way. Nothing has been said. Already yesterday’s news.
Corbyn anyone. The only one I ever thought could do that. As I said previously. The right wing press destroyed that chance. And we are left with a party that has to pander to the masses. (The Labour Party was formed as the workers party.) and the middle and upper classes. I understand that. And is why I still will vote labour. as it’s the closest to my ideals. Don’t go as far as I would like. Because of fear of losing votes . The minority socialist. communist parties will never gain power. I’ll repeat what I’ve always said. I hate what the tories stand for. More than I love what labour stand for under what I still call new labour. I’m in a minority that supported Corbyn. I also understand that. But he would have been the beginning of change.