Interesting That labour voters move over to Tory as they get older. My belief is as we get older. People tend to look at retirement and hanging onto pensions in the belief that Tory policies will look after em better than labour. And get an I’m alright jack attitude. There will be younger generations that won’t have a pot to piss in when they reach retirement. And some may never see that pitiful pot. As state retirement age is increased. The government in now I believe at looking at removing tax relief for employees. Might as well put it under the bed. Rather than risk volatile pension investments. Tax relief is a big plus. As you don’t suffer the losses of your actual investment as much. I also believe as one of the boom generation. We are far better off due to our predecessors fights for justice for the working class. We should stand side by side amongst the younger generations to keep those justices in place. This Tory lot would like us to know our place. And stay there.
Brilliant and Powerful that mate and Is exactly my thoughts to a tee. Please create a new thread. As it will get a wider audience. Lots of people very rarely return to the same thread. Give it a come and watch me headline. Requires sharing on all media outlets.
A lot of research has been done into this, and the correlation aligns more to educational levels than age. So those who leave education earlier (a lot of 50+ left at 16 with O Levels at best) tend to go more right wing than those who stay to university. One of the reasons that Blair wanted 50% to attend university and the Tories want to make it more difficult.
There is at least one court case ongoing about the governments dishing out of PPE contracts to unsuitable companies. The UK has issued contracts for more than most of Western Europe *combined*.
I agree to an extent, but for anyone under 50 there won’t be a liveable private pension anyway for anyone other than those who have invested in property because of the economic fall out of lockdown policy.
I think as well as the general trend of people gradually becoming more socially and economically Conservative as they get older, the baby boomer generation is one example which exacerbates the trend. As you say, the generation had it pretty easy compared to what went before and has come since - no war, free university, wages which were much higher in real terms, houses which didn't cost many multiples of yearly salary (and have since appreciated massively in terms of value), final salary pensions etc. Just as there is a tendency for humans to judge others based on their actions whilst judging themselves on their intentions, there is also a tendency to characterise all your successes as being entirely due to your own work and achievement whilst regarding everyone else's problems as being entirely due to their failings with little regard for luck and circumstance. This leads to the "boomer" attitude of "well we managed it so stop complaining" and "just stop buying smartphones and pull your socks up". You see it on here a fair bit from certain posters time and time again. This disparity between generations and the skewed view people take of the cause of the disparity means the older generation move towards to tory end of the spectrum - "we worked hard for what we have, why should we pay more tax to fund this lazy generation rather than enjoying our retirement?" Similarly it pushes the young towards the left with a desire to burn down the system which has led to massive generational inequality of wealth.
I think it's complicated; educational standard (though I left school at 16 and started work in a 'trade' and I'm as left as I ever was) digital awareness (it's amazing how many older people will fall for scams, but are ultra confidant that the right wing lies they swallow are 'the uncomfortable truth') selfishness - once you're comfortable, it's harder to share, especially if you believe you've worked harder than others. But I genuinely believe that people I grew up with who hated the tories and were 'traditional labour' weren't lefties at all, they voted labour because they believed Labour would 'look after' them, obviously as they get older, if they've earned a few quid, they think the tories will look after them. I find it illogical that someone who grew up believing in equality, who was empathetic, could get older and vote tory.
I've lost the things that drive me politically as I've grown older. I'm less willing to champion a cause and more inclined to think about myself and my family. This is probably why I'm happy not being taxed as much on the pay band I'm on. The alright Jack attitude has indeed crept in. I used to be all re-introduce industry and re-nationalise the railways which is what I thought Labour stood for. However, when they did none of that and put the East Coast mainline back up for franchise when it was turning in a profit under public control that was it. (I was also incensed they didn't bail out British Steel and let Redcar shut down) I was done with causes then. I started working I leant more towards the Tories with their tax cuts on workers under £20,000.
It was said very early on in the pandemic that hancock had a 75% share in one of the companies providing the ppe, make no mistake, they,ll be countless mp,s with vast amounts of money tied up in health companies, it came out last week that patrick vallance had 600 grands worth of shares in a company working on the vaccine, corruption at its best, when a vaccine is finally rolled out, there will be a lot of very powerful wealthy people a whole lot more wealthy..
The chart is a snapshot. There's nothing in it to suggest that people turn more right wing as they get older. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it could equally be the case that there is a proportion of society who benefited under the Thatcher years, whilst younger voters are in a tougher spot, financially speaking. If I was a Tory MP, I'd feel a bit nervous about the future, looking at that.
It is mate. But the full article states that in general the older people get they swing to the right. Not all but in lots of cases. Enough to get the tories in power. The study goes on to say that that. has been around for decades. There are a hell of a lot of us on here who were brought up in the boom era. Glad to say most appear to have stood by labour. Putting the majority before themselves. Those that accuse those voters, of voting for a donkey if it was put up. Seriously have a look at yourselves. I see em as the more caring of all in society.
‘Tis why I think they will become extinct. The video will waken people up to exactly what the tories are about and their rich friends.
The East Coast Mainline franchise was first nationalised in 2009 (under Labour) and re-privatised in 2013 (Under the Coalition). It was renationalised again in June 2018. The Steelworks at Redcar were closed in 2015 - under the Tories. Although the blast furnace was mothballed in 2009 at the height of the credit crunch. Some services at Redcar are still operational under the Jingye group but its much smaller than at its height.
A lot of young uns live for today and leave it too late. The consequences are dire. They will work till they die. For the young uns. Companies have to contribute a minimum of 3% providing you at least match it. If your on say £500 per week. Company puts in 3% £15. You put in 3% pw £15 total £30. It actually costs you. £12pw for a £30 pw investment. As you get 20% taken off at source. That’s a minimum. You can invest up to 100% of your wages but will only pay 80%. I know folk close to retirement doing that as it’s better than savings. There is a limit but most of us wouldn’t fit into that category. Even if you drew the lot out at once. You can get 25% back tax free. Rest would be at a tax rate based on allowances. so in effect. Retire early. 25% tax free at any time. no income. 1st £12/13k tax free. ( allowance) rest at basic rate. You’d be mad to go to the next rate if you don’t need it. For those not working ( early retirements) it makes sense to invest some of your savings into pensions. You are allowed up to a certain amount. Say you use £4k of your savings pa. to put into a pension. The investment is actually £5k If you did that for say 2 yrs . And were not getting any other income. Invest £8k get back £10k. Obviously subject to market forces. And risks your prepared to take. No risk should in effect give you that return. Hope that makes sense. Ps I’m not a financial adviser btw. But study these types of things and act upon em with a financial advisor. Who have charges you would need to consider.
Just one of many questionable awarding of contracts by this crooked, self-serving government. The list of money just lost (to us!) on these suspect contracts, with nothing to show for it is breathtaking. At any other time, in any other context, the majority of Tory ministers would be up in court on fraud or embezzlement charges. BL,BC.....
Fairly sure the increases in income tax thresholds was a Lib Dem thing, too. The one good thing they did do.
I wouldn't be surprised if the under 25s club together and arrange to set fire to the country. I remember when I was getting my student loans 20 years ago and looking enviously at the grants that students used to get. But that's nothing compared to now, students are getting locked up in their halls of residence and forced to pay full whack for the privilege!