For people who argued vehemently for the lockdown, how’s it working for you? How do you feel about children denied proper education for six months? How do you feel about the 1m missed mammograms that, assuming the usual ratio have led to 9,000 missed cancer diagnoses? How do you feel about the families who weren’t allowed to attend a funeral for their loved ones? How do you feel about the 20% contraction in the economy, that you all said would have bounced back to normal by the end of the year. How do you feel about the fact we still can’t, and have absolutely no immediate hope of, going back to Oakwell in the foreseeable future? How do you feel about the 3m unemployed you’ll have created by the end of the year? How do you feel about the Government’s estimate of 75,000 excess deaths you’ve caused in the five years, including 35,000 from cancer directly caused by the actions of the lockdown? How do you feel about the miserable, joyless environment you’ve created in Britain, where every thing that brings joy is verboten and people shuffle round miserably wearing their masks and avoiding any sort of interaction with each other? How do you feel about the fact that these measures are in place for yet another six months, despite the fact you told us it would just be three weeks to suppress the curve? How do you feel about the ONS estimate that lockdown will have added up to £390bn to the national debt, that your children and grandchildren will have to pay back? How do you feel about the fact that for people living with terminal illnesses, you’ve stolen their right to live a joyful existence for the last months of their lives? When I argued against the actions that have been taken, someone on here said it was ‘unforgivable’ even to argue against the lockdown. By supporting the lockdown you’ve supported a cause that has caused untold short term and long term damage to people’s lives and livelihoods. It’s already caused, and will continue to cause, deaths through late detected cancers, suicide and dementia. I thought the poster who called me ‘unforgivable’ was being melodramatic but actually now, I feel some sympathy for him because what this lockdown has done for this country truly is utterly, utterly unforgivable.
So do you think the Govt wanted the virus to come ?....... no thowt not. Oh and do you think that any of the other parties would have coped any better ? No thowt not. All around the world the various Govt's have all struggled.
The crisis is being measured by the number of covid 19 deaths and active cases. As you have highlighted what about the underlying issues that will affect people over the longer term.
I think any other party not led by an absolute baffoon would have done better. This is a man who caught the chuffing thing because he was gloating that he was shaking hands with covid patients. Let that sink in for a second. He was gloating that he was shaking their hands and then he was in intensive care. This is a man who's own senior advisor broke the rules and went on holiday to his mum's for a couple of weeks while his boss was in hospital culminating in taking his wife out for a birthday treat. The question isn't do I think any of the other parties could have done better but do YOU think any of the other parties would have done WORSE?
No, sorry, not good enough. You’re one of the cheerleaders for the lockdown, answer the questions. I don’t want whataboutery, I want to know how are you feeling about the actions that you supported and the consequences they have caused.
I should like to know the correlation between people who back lockdowns and how it affects their finances. Also, if they haven't been out of the house or very restricted, what about the amazon workers, drivers and supermarket pickers who deliver the world to their doorstep. Shouldn't they be allowed to be locked down as well ?
I'm a bit miffed that you say you dont want whataboutery, but then half your questions are assumptions, estimates and maybes..... Just an observation
I don't think it's as simple as "if you supported lockdown then you supported this". I think a lockdown was needed initially to slow the spread as at that time we didn't know what happened if it was left unchecked. Having said that we completely f*cking bungled it. If we were going to lock down it should have been a week earlier to contain it and we should have been straight on with a proper track and trace system. The countries which had dealt well with the initial stages had demonstrated the value of a robust track and trace system and we did nothing. For months. That would have allowed us to open up quicker and hopefully limited the economic damage. Our shambolic handling of lockdown has led to a government that won't govern because it is too scared to be seen to make more mistakes and sh1ts itself as soon as the number creeps back up.
If COVID wasn’t a ‘new’ virus which has petrified the planet, would we even hear about hospital admissions, ICU & death right now? My gut feeling is nope. Absolutely standard Sept/Oct stuff.
I supported an earlier and harsher initial lockdown, but don't support the current measures nor a second one. What do I win?
You win respect for allowing yourself to adjust your opinion to the evidence presented, which is bloody hard for anyone to do!
I've noticed a definite correlation between those who back complete lockdown 'for as long as it takes' and those fortunate enough to either be public sector workers paid whether they work or not, in the lucky industries that haven't been overly impacted or have been able to work from home.
OK - but in my defence I’ve deliberately tried only to use numbers that were provided by Government agencies themselves rather than fantastical newspaper speculation or Neil Ferguson.
Lockdown was alright for posh lovely people and the I’m alright jack ******* of southern and middle England. **** em.
Snap National lockdown whilst it may have helped somewhat, was way too late. It was already rampant. You could watch news reports of it getting closer and closer, day by day, and our government actively said we weren't at risk and encouraged normal behaviour. And then boom. And whilst it was spreading like wildfire, our airports were gleefully waving people in and out the country...
I think the lockdown was needed initially. We had Spain and Italy ahead of us, we could see how swamped the hospitals can get. Sometimes you need to act quickly and decisively. And I think they did get it right re. furlough. Where the government went wrong was in not doing so soon enough, not stopping flights or insisting on quarantine. And the Cummins debacle .And not making it clear what the current rules were (Johnson still doesn't know!)