nail - head.... investing suggests wanting a return. Follow the money and the real reasons behind the decisions of this shambolic government and it's advisers will come out - i am sure of that.
And all children haven’t missed out on an education, it was just limited... etc etc. It’s the flipping hyperbole; trying to create a straight binary world that doesn’t exist. what you believe about the way this has been handled and what most of us believe are probably very close. But you choose an exaggerated antagonistic position.
4 million unemployed, we got to get on with life, its all going to end in anarchy, how do these people live?
During these 3 weeks there should have been a payment of £500 a week to every resident of the country. (this would later be paid back over the course of a year with interest in tax for those of us lucky enough to work throughout So a household of 4 would get 6K?
Lockdown was a measure that was meant to buy Government time to get things in place that would mean we could avoid the need for a second lockdown. Unfortunately, as others have said, they've made a mess of it. Locking down too late. And too loosely, with non-essential stuff still being sold online, therefore warehouses still operating throughout. As well as construction Sending patients back to care homes untested Building nightingale hospitals, but not staffing them Stupid messaging, stay alert and all that Cummings Easing restrictions too early, having an alert system which they said would set the timetable for coming out of lockdown. Then opening everything when the CMOs still marked us at level 4 Complete failure on testing, just concentrating on being able to get a big number to quote for capacity, without a thought on testing strategy and how to collate necessary data. All bourne out of ending community testing Contact tracing, well covered. Existing local NHS contact tracers are having to pick up large volumes that Serco cannot reach. Greater Manchester are even having to get emergency services knocking on doors Failure to do any meaningful planning for return to school, university All this on top of failed PPE contracts, A-Level fiasco etc... The fact that this shambolic Government haven't been forced out is terrifying and depressing in equal measure.
If all 4 are of working age, yes. I’d probably also have done £200 a week for kids. So 2 adults 2 kids would get £1400 a week. Would have cost a lot less than this failed Furlough scheme or the business loan scheme, or the business grant scheme that were all taken advantage of by greedy fuckers. Perhaps the numbers need adjusting. Maybe £300 a week and £100 for kids. The point is though that by it being universal you remove the cost of having to fund means testing.
The ONS says Covid19 was the 24th highest cause of death in August. Barely 450 of the 34,000 who passed that month. Data suggests that lockdown gave 8,500 women and 3,500 men death sentences from undiagnosed breast and prostate Cancer. Meanwhile Covid can infect 170 people without a single one of them knowing and its headline news. Perspective needed.
No it doesn't. It suggests that closing down the NHS gave 8,500 women and 3,500 men death sentences from undiagnosed breast and prostate cancer. Don't act like people in favour of lockdown wanted or even accepted that.
People keep saying lockdowns “protect the vulnerable” They negatively impact child carers, stroke sufferers, cancer diagnosis, Alzheimer’s sufferers, unborn babies, pregnant Mums, the lowest paid, those with poor mental health, and all Children.
Please read my earlier comment (the bit at the bottom) and tell me how my ideal scenario affects all those you’ve mentioned. And you’ve done it again. Lockdown doesn’t do half of those things you’ve mentioned. Closing down the NHS does. Again. Closing down the NHS is not a result of lockdown. It just isn’t. You can keep saying it is all you want.
I'm not suggesting it's what people wanted, and maybe it didn't haven't to be a consequence of lockdown. But sadly it is.
This. A lockdown is useless, without doing the necessary work alongside it. Seems Johnson locked down, waited for months for infection rates to drop then just opened things up again with some social distancing and cleaning guidelines being the only difference. Worst thing is, they're going to do the same thing again with this "circuit break" lockdown.
No it isn’t though. It’s a totally separate policy and to try and combine them is disingenuous at best.
Main questions about 'herd immunity' How much immunity do you get once you've had the infection? How long does it last? We've had 60k excess deaths this year, with about 10% of infections required to achieve herd immunity. Would 600k be acceptable? What's the plan to protect the elderly, hospital patients, diabetics, BAME population etc...?
Please explain how they are related then? Please explain how a restriction of movement and recreational activity, of non-essential business, caused the NHS to cancel appointments?
The lockdown that was imposed in the UK encompassed all these things. The government and health service decided to give priority to one illness above all others. Also the messaging and scare tactics of the government actually made people scared to access the services that were still open. All of course in my humble little opinion.