Our issue is we have made it clear to the world that we are a stepping stone and we our now being treated like it. Our whole plan is doomed to failure the way we manage it. Buy cheap, sell on too easily and not getting what the market value should be - would actually be nice to have a a head coach to be around for at least a couple of seasons for a change.
Need's puttting on the next plane to NYC before he loses another couple of games and is worth **** all then. (21)
As I've mentioned in another post. The club eluded to having someone lined up when the speculation regarding Red Bull came out. I can see the new guy being installed during the international break.
Up front and honest is at the time or ahead of an incident. Months after the event is far from honest and upfront.
Leaving the owners in charge of signing players is like leaving Gary Glitter in charge of babysitting...it won’t end well.
When did Red Bull meet the release clause? How long is the minimum term that could apply to "over a month"?
They signed Pinillos, Ollie Mcburnie and Kieffer Moore in 2017 without a manager. They didn't turn out too bad.
It doesn't affect the outcome though does it. We'll never know the finer details. We know what we need to Struber has a decision to make, stay at Barnsley or go to New York Red Bulls. The release clause will be in place for the duration of his contract. What I'm getting at is that the board don't have to tell the fans contract details for managers or players.
The players we're targeting don't change. The agreed priority list remains the same this week with Struber as it does next week without. The owners don't just come in and start identifying players
They're cut from a more cut throat, corporate cloth but I genuinely think they want to take the club forward. I definitely think there's been improvements from when they arrived.
What I'm getting at is that its not open and honest to state RB agreed the release clause and is speaking with Struber officially, when Strubers agent has been acting on his clients behalf to get him a move with Strubers knowledge for "months"
We don't know this to be true. It might be true, but it's equally as likely that clubs contact Struber's agent, are told the situation with the release clause, the agent tells Struber, and that's basically what Struber means by his agent speaking to other clubs. No evidence to say he's been touting him around looking for a move. None at all.
I don't see what the club is doing wrong there though. I get your gripe and it was a shame the way the Stendel situation happened.