Where is there any evidence that Murray will get the job? It's the biggest load of football related Chinese whispers/conspiracy theory I've seen on here in a long time. Town Hall Steps springs to mind if this happens.
fair point but how do we know that we haven't followed due process with the other clubs? It's going to be a foreign coach, we know that, so it won't be in the public domain over here yet I wouldn't have thought.
It's always a long season "watching" or following the Reds. Chin up buddy, it's a roundabout this game and it'll turn around soon
If he's going, then he should be on gardening leave - absolutely ridiculous he's getting another game in charge, I'd rather have Murray Mint in charge, and that's saying something.
Have to say that I think there will already have been a couple of replacements identified after the season ended, in case he moved then. Whether they are still available will be the question. It's a good job for a foreign coach wanting to make a name for themselves in England. Budget is small, but expectation isn't that high & we do have the academy.
I think you should say more. Because you constantly keep telling us how much of a snake Murray is, but then offer no details to back it up. If you have something to say I would suggest saying it. If not I'd keep quiet. Because it's getting a bit tiresome.
They’re playing for Barnsley FC not Murray . If they are identified as not trying we should get rid to the lower leagues ASAP imo .
This is getting a bit silly now. If you can't say anything don't bother. Next step will be asking for 100 likes.
If NDA's are in play then you must have been speaking to Stendel, Tonge or Stern. Aren't they putting themselves at risk signing an NDA and telling you?