We're not going to agree on this. Cuomo may have done things wrong. I doubt it was intentionally. Trump has endangered and cost lives to save his skin. Everyone knows about the system in the US that has taken the time to study it and knows that the Democrats are far from blameless. But a continued equivocation in the face of what Trump has done and is doing is misguided. Start addressing what can be fixed after he's gone. There's nothing that needs fixing that he's going to look at. This is a man that is making a determined effort to undermine the trust in the fairness of elections in his country and damage it for years to come. It's treasonous. And the reason it makes me angry is that the UK is not so far off going down tne same route. Saying that one is almost as bad as the other is dangerous. There's a right and wrong in America at the minute. It's a simple choice.
So you’re giving Cuomo’s utter ineptness a free hit? He gets a pass? It’s not as simple as right or wrong in the US. What if you don’t want to defund the police? What if you don’t want the ridiculously strict lockdowns in place? What if you don’t want Covid to be fixed first and then the economy second, and want them fixed together? I wish we’d have closed our borders down as quickly as the US did. I wish we also had our testing system setup the same as the US have. Yes, there’s also things I’m glad we didn’t do, but I’m just saying it isn’t as black and white and some extreme claims (not necessarily yours) are exactly that - extreme generalisations
Two wrongs will never make a right. If we behave as he does, and rejoice at the news that he is ill then he has won, and his way of looking at the world has become ours.
How is he doing in the polls at the moment?, its amazing what a dose of covid can do for your popularity, just ask Boris, ooh we,re so cynical..
Find it astonishing at the recent debate. Everyone except the interviewer. Trump and Biden were instructed to wear masks. Quite a big audience, everyone did. EXCEPT trumps back room staff. Several sat together at the front. In blatant defiance of the request. Now being reported. Several state senators and aides in the Republican Party have been tested positive after all being together in the same meeting. ( not the debate) Hopefully the wake up call they all needed. the numpties.
Don’t wish anyone dead. But I hope he suffers. Then if he does, He may have a change of attitude. If not, he will come out and say. “ No different to a heavy cold.” Back to square one.
Yep Just because we think Trump is as mad as a box of frogs we shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that the opposition are credible .
the point being made is I think that the things Trump did were absolutely deliberate. We he said “hoax” he knew how that would be interpreted. When he denigrated mask wearing he knew what the results would be. Anyhoo I’m happy to chip in with for a bottle of domestos to treat him
Don’t even bother trying,some of the stuff on this thread is obscene,wanting people to die what an awful world we live in,anyone would think Trump had been sending people to the gas chambers like Hitler the way they are talking,every accusation is so random,can someone please say the actual thing Trump as done that people want him to die,he as started no wars in 4 years,Obama killed over a 1000 civilians in drone strikes during his presidency,why are there no calls for him to die
No. I didn't say I think the virus is fake. I think it's very real. I just don't think that lying c.nut has it.
if he does I'll admit I was wrong. I strongly suspect he won't. in fact I suspect he'll make a heroic recovery. probably around election week.
It was more than a cold to a million people though-they're fatally, long time, permanently, dead Majority in the age group of Trump, so I agree with Hooky Feller if Tango the clown shrugs it off as little more than a cold it will put more of this age group in danger, as his followers will just resume their non adherence to precautions and point to Trump as the justification for it
That’s not even his voice,you can tell it’s someone impersonating him,overlaying footage and even I’d it is are you defending ISIS,the people who beheaded people alive?
That maybe other reason people think that is because that what most people report. Additionally I wouldn't worry too much about Trumps platform. The people who listen to him will do regardless and similarly those who oppose him will do the opposite.