And all those deaths from Pneumonia were nothing to do with the new highly contagious virus that causes pneumonia. Just a coincidence. They didn't die of Covid, they died with Covid. Doesn't count. They wouldn't have caught Pneumonia without Covid, but that doesn't matter. Inflated figures. Or summat. Did I get that right, Covid deniers?
I presume Deetee is just short for Donald Trump. We can either stop all testing or inject bleach. It's easy.
Correct. Start using hospitalizations as your meteric to measure against and the entire picture changes. Or follow Turkey who now only count cases with symptoms. Getting tests seem to be an obsession. To the extent that they are doorstepping people to get one. People who have no symptoms. People who are not unwell. See Birmingham for example. But then wheres the chance to drive the fear over rising cases. Or the ability for the media to run away with the hysteria they so like. Or give any justification to silly local lockdowns. Or being able to blame the yoofs for killing granny.
By the time hospitalisations get to a level you’d be happy with action at, it will be far too late to stop everything getting overrun.
Doorstepping people with no symptoms is a good idea - it can be used to develop a picture of how many people are likely to have had the virus without realising.
And do the same for 'flu where there are high numbers of localised hospitalisations? Given that around half of flu infections are asymptomatic... Perhaps when the GUM clinic opens and chlamydia spikes we can do door to door testing for that. Given how thats a 'silent infection' with many sufferers not realising they have a dose..
They are known and understood viruses. We are trying to build a picture of how this spreads, rates of infection etc. Gathering data is a huge part of that.
They literally do, they’ve been sending out free home tests to anyone under 25 who wants them for years.
Theres a massive difference between someone requesting a home test kit and a council employee rocking up on your doorstep asking how many people live there and expecting all of you to be tested....
Irresponsible youth visiting the Student Union Bars? I mean send 18 to 20 year olds to a strange place away from home and they go and try and make new friends. Bet they were still partying after 10 as well I saw Hancock was claiming the 10pm was following science Still waiting for someone in govt to provide the evidence
If we put a fraction of the COVID-19 costs into supporting cancer services, I wonder how many lives that would save.
Decimating the industry.
I imagine not chronically underfunding our healthcare system for 10 years might've saved plenty of lives from a number of illnesses. Question now is, what are Govt going to do to make sure these services can continue, without fear of patients being infected with covid. Because they have to do something, and what they are doing now isn't working.
I think now everyone knows how to not spread the virus and what measures to take. The public should be left to their own devices and we should try and get back to the new "normal" with those flouting social distancing and mask wearing being properly punished. The rise in levels are in spite of all the measures and we ought to accept that barring a vaccine it's here to stay. Be cautious but accept if you're going to get it, you're going to get it. I went to the Wetherspoon on Saturday with Laura and actually enjoyed the table service and not having to grind against hairy arsed piss heads that had been out since opening time to get served.
Story doing the rounds there is cross party support to go back to the good old days with pubs shutting at 11pm - last orders at 10:30 - I guess that would help quite a bit especially with the restaurants being able to offer a second sitting, though I am still somewhat baffled by even this logic In the old days there were problems due to pubs all emptying together which was one of the big arguments for relaxing the licensing laws. Loads of people complained it would lead to even more problems - but they all went quiet when as others predicted it solved far more issues than it created. Govenrment tried to avoid a vote on this but I think unlikely to dodge it so expect 11pm curfew next week. I could make a comment about deck chairs and Titanics - but I am sure its better than nothing
The pub on the Yorkshire coast I spent 3 nights in a row in last week was the first pub I have been in since the curfew and if they wanted to stay open until 1 in the morning it shouldn't have been a problem. Last orders at 9 and look to leave around quarter to ten. Sign the book on arrival or use the Serco app, sanitise your hands, have your temp taken and only take your mask off when sat in your seat. Boris hasn't thought table service through properly because whilst it's good for customers it puts staff in more danger than being behind a protective barrier at the bar with people waiting sensibly to be served. Just more proof the wrong industry is being bullied......
Strangely, all the areas that have gone into local lockdowns have seen significant increases in cases since the restrictions were introduced. This suggests one of three options: 1). The restrictions are not restrictive enough 2). People are ignoring them 3). Both Also a number of areas with lower infection rates are in lockdown and areas with higher infection rates are not. The main difference seems to be the colour of the rosette that the MP wears on election day.