Didn’t get a test as I had it in April and by time occy health rung me I was a day outside the test window
Was badly with most of the symptoms in April, it could have been something to do with the weeks old pork pie I ate, although that wouldn’t have explained the coughing.
Had something with similar symptoms (loss of taste & smell, fatigue, tight chest, headache for days) in feb but can’t be sure what it was as never had a test. Was rough for about a week but had 1 day off work spent in bed.
Nearly died from it back in April. A month in the ICU including two weeks on a ventilator. Many associated illnesses during and after, Ruptured bowel, DVT, PE to list a few, still not anywhere as well as before the illness. Covid is an inflammatory virus that can attack many organs in the body not just the lungs. No idea what the long term effects will be in the future. A nightmare time for my family and friends.
Both the wife and myself had very similar symptoms in November last year but put it down to a bad strain of flu .....we came down with a virus after visiting our solicitor who also was exhibiting and experiencing the very same symptoms that later got announced as covid..... Due to certain events taking place in May of this year we and our son got tested.... thankfully results were negative....
Was ill and had heavy cold-like symtoms over January but was really ill in May (positive test). So hugely unlikely that I had anything other than a seasonal virus over the winter like millions of others generally do.
Currently have it, confirmed last Saturday along with Wife, 2 Daughters and Granddaughter who live with us. Grand daughter and youngest Daughter confirmed but shown no signs. Wife and Daughter - Mild flu like symptoms, aches, headaches etc Myself - same as above(had much worse colds) biggest issue we have is if I try to move, I have coughing fits, get out of breath and tires me out
Can't imagine how difficult and painful that must have been for you all. I was moderately ill and spent a few weeks off work (a couple being extremely frightening ones). Im not the same as before 5 months down the line. Im only managing to do half the exercise i did before and still become breathless after climbing stairs (never ever an issue before). Work is pretty much destroying me too. Anyway all the best and good luck with your recovery.
Reasonably likely I had it in Feb, I lost my sense of smell which was just plain odd as wasn’t being reported at time, I also had this very strange burning sensation in chest. No other symptoms but then got a cough for a week. Wasn’t like a common cold. father in law got symptoms same time (but a lot rougher) and tested positive know of 2 ppl who have died from it
Don't know anyone who as died of it or with it, i do know a bloke from Royston who swabbed a peeled apple which came back positive ( true story)
Just finished my ten days. Just feel like I get to a cliff edge early in the day. Do a little then Bang off the cliff edge again.
Glad you beat the virus mate. I personally haven’t had it (I don’t think) I know 4 people who tested positive. 2 unfortunately died and one survivor who had a similar experience to yourself has been told to consider retirement in his mid 50s. This virus causes devastation. Out of curiosity, how have you recovered? Are you back at work? I hope those questions aren’t too personal, tell me to balls if they are.