False positives are not unknown. But they are very rare and thought usually to result from RNA fragments from another related virus. So this story sounds a tad unlikely, since apples tend not to get flu.
Thank you, I'm nowhere near the same as I was before my stay in hospital, any exertion walking up hill, carrying anything heavy, I become breathless. I'm alright walking on the level at a steady pace but having continued issues after the surgery for the ruptured bowel. In relation to getting back to the gym that's a none starter especially at the minute.
It did, as well as the other 99.7 of the apple population, the older apples which were already disease ridden and were already on their last legs weren't so lucky ha ha
Symptoms In the second week of March after 5 days in the capital, felt like **** all week and the following weekend lost all sense of smell and taste, a really hope this virus packs its bags and pisses off now!!! Stay safe guys
Got ill with what I assumed was a very odd strain of flu about a week after passing through Gatwick Airport in January. I have no idea whether it was Covid or not, but if you're going to pick it up anywhere, Gatwick Airport during peak holiday season is going to be pretty high on the list of likey places. Felt shocking for four days, had a very high temperature, coughed quite a lot but didn't have the usual sore throat associated with flu. However, it passed much quicker than regular flu, and after a week I was pretty much better, although I felt pretty lethargic for another fortnight or so. I personally know once person who is confirmed to have died from it. She was 70 years old, and with a whole host of health issues - two strokes, two heart attacks, smoked like a chimney. So even without Covid-19, it's debatable whether she'd have seen the year out.
Thank you, I was eventually discharged from hospital as I was now clear of the Covid and my lungs could function without the support of oxygen. I physically suffered due to the time spent on the ICU and ventilator, it had wiped me out. I had to learn to walk again and lost alot of muscle mass. Then recovery was affected due to the DVT and the clot on the lung where I was readmitted. I was again discharged only to be readmitted again with hospital acquired pneumonia. Because I had to have major surgery due to the ruptured bowel I have now developed complications which are delaying me becoming more active. In relation to work as the role is front line and active I have still not returned and its driving me mad. The psychological effects of everything is probably causing me some underlying concerns but I am keeping on top of it I think.
Had it, confirmed in May, thankfully at the time I fell under the key workers only for hometests. Started out like flu, but then the symptoms shifted, heavy chest and loss of breath, felt drained, loss of smell and taste which have carried on partially still to date. Lots of other minor symptoms also, everything bar being hospitalised so I consider my case to have quite hard symptoms for my age. Only know a couple of other people who've even had it. I'm very suspect of people who claim to have it without a test pre March time, I've heard lots of people describe flu symptoms and take that as it. I think if you didn't have loss of smell and or taste you likely didn't have it, as that seems the most common symptom (ignoring asymptomatic)
Sounds horrible mate. However, the main thing is you’re here to tell the story. The NHS do and thankfully are receiving plaudits from society for success stories like this. I really wish you and your family all the best. Hopefully you’re back fighting fit soon.
I got it in April. 2 weeks of bad flu like symptoms, sweating like a woman who's lost her HRT patches. Then when I thought I was through it my breathing got worse and NHS 111 told me to go to a outdoor clinic to get seen by a doc. They said it was Covid19 but they had run out of test kits to confirm it. It had caused a chest infection so gave me some antibiotics which cleared it all up. I was knackered for the next few weeks though, meanwhile my wife caught it off me and it ended with her having pleurisy and needing some heavy duty painkillers.
I had it and I was close to calling the ambulance. I thought I'd cracked it but then went down hill, long story short cos I've mentioned it loads I ended up on numerous meds and I'm now asthmatic as a result of having it. Steroids are awful to be on, but touch wood I'm getting there slowly. Just had my flu jab today so finger crossed. Take care mate you've beat the bugger and that's all that matters.
Just out of interest I'm intrigued as to how 7 people have responded "Yes, but didn't have a test"? I'm assuming some time down the line they have all had a positive antibody test done? If not then how would you know?
I didn't even realise until a couple of weeks in that I had lost my sense of taste and smell: was too ill to notice. My first symptom was a humdinger of a headache that lasted a good 24 hours then boom!