Carried their form over and getting points on the board early. They’ll still have a blip, like all do, but better with points now.
No chance with these charlatans Helen. Can you imagine Conway et al swallowing their pride and getting Stendel back?
Not quite because Jones left them before the end of the season, leaving Mick Harford to finish the job.
Up to 5th. Not bad for a bunch of 'outcasts'. Just shows where signing lads experienced in English professional football can get you...
It's refreshing to see a smallish side like them, who have fought their way back up here from the Conference, do well. It's especially refreshing seeing a side learn from their mistakes last season and improve. Then it makes me incredibly frustrated thinking we could and should be doing the same, but for the shysters in charge.
Folk quickly forgetting how bad we were under Stendel before he left. Struber’s not perfect, but generally he’s better than Stendel.
Was that Stendels fault though? Defence looked just as bad until Solbauer was signed, Stendel never got that. And Anderson improved alongside Solb
Our defenders started looking better the second we stopped treating the Championship like it was League One. Amazing how much better your CBs can look when you have full backs that don’t bomb forward at every single opportunity and a midfield designed to protect them. Sollbauer was a huge signing though but you get my point.
I don't think Stendels gengen press was to fault though, if he had a quality left back, a quality CB, the CDM he wanted I recon we would have stayed up. My only fault for him is signing his mates that turned out crap, but Struber did that too
Loved Stendel. But we were all over the place in those Championship games. Wasn’t the press, was the inability to realise we were playing far better teams than the season before and needed to be more compact. Struber has taken us too far the opposite way it seems.
If he'd been allowed the experience in defence I might be more willing to share your opinion but I defy any team not to leak goals with an entirely new back line and keeper, who have only just turned 20 in some cases and 3 new to the country. And who had not played in the championship before.
Does that match define Stendel? Not in my opinion. Perhaps our board could've backed him more like he requested, similar to their backing of Struber, and what followed may not have happened. Still, let's attack our successful Head Coaches (Heckingbottom, too) and exempt the board from any blame whatsoever.