Antibody test mate, I've supposedly got em but there's since been a few cases where folk have had it twice. The test also came with a caveat that this might not be 100% accurate. My medical records state I've had it and got symptoms of long Covid. I can state this I've never been as poorly in all my life. I've now got a medical cabinet just for my drugs, unreal at 40.
I agree with that actually. I know a couple of colleagues who were off after having tested positive who later had an antibody test which were negative. They were asymptomatic though.
Well I’ve Currently got a headachE and feeling really down.....,oh just a minute, false alarm I’m watching the match!
Speedy recovery mate, no one seems to be talking about the long term effects and tbh guess work how long we will all have them. Im glad mine has just been smell and taste otherwise I've recovered
As an e.g. a member of my family had all the classic symptoms in May. Couldn't get tested. Had an online consultation with her GP, who recorded it as "presumed Covid".
He's in good company actually:
I got rushed to hospital last November, with severe breathing problems and shaking uncontrollably, they said it was an unknown virus gave me antibiotics and sent me home. I was absolutely knackered until into the new year
Sure I didn't suggest it never happened Would it be classed as a 'national' covid statistic though if there was no test? No idea....
Said it b4. Hospitalised over the new year. Temp.43c. Dry cough. Oxygen level low. Loss off Taste for weeks. B4 I’d even heard of Covid. I genuinely think I was misdiagnosed. Influenza type A. Would love to have the antibody test out of curiosity. Apart from the loss off taste and minor breathing issues though. I didn’t have much after effect. Was back at work after 3 weeks.
I found out a couple of months after the event that a friend - and fellow Barnsley fan - has died from it. I was stunned when his photo was shown on a TV news bulletin, about three workers who had died of COVID at a food factory in Wombwell.
Sorry to hear that. It sounds you were lucky to get through it - wishing you well for a full recovery.