15,841 positive COVID-19 cases were missed for the period 25 September to 2 October and have now been added, making yesterday's figure 12,872 and today's 22,961. The mind boggles how that has happened!
It happened because the government is unfit for office, and none of its mishaps should surprise anyone.
So all this talk of the virus plateauing or slowing down was a bit empty really, we’ve nearly cracked 12k cases a day
Hospital admissions nearly doubled in 2 weeks in England (205 18/9 - 371 2/10) Patients in hospital have more than doubled in 2 weeks in England (988 18/9 - 2088 2/10) Patients on ventilators have nearly tripled in 2 weeks in England (115 18/9 - 310 2/10) Deaths have doubled in 2 weeks in England (21 18/9 - 41 1/10) But no sharp rise in hospital admissions or deaths. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/healthcare
But nowhere need the rise we saw back in March and note in line with the time of year for respiratory infections. I was merely stating things are nothing like as bad as they were back then. Yes they are going up but not in the exponential way they did previously.
I mean, she was suffering from diabetic deficiency issues at the time, but when there's a wagon to jump on just throw yourself on it.
You would've thought that the private company responsible for test and trace would be putting systems in place to allow data to flow from testers to tracers. That must be for the premium package, which costs an extra £10bn, we only went for the world leading package.
Don't think anyone has said that have they? What they've said is that by all metrics, the data has doubled in the last 2 weeks so we need to be careful. Just become someone presents data like this doesn't mean we need to LOCK. IT. DOWN. It just means that things are worse than they were 2 weeks ago.
Oh bless, the poor Tory apologists really struggling now. But Corbyn, but Labour, but Abbott , but anyone except the Tories
They are going up exponentially, but on a different (thankfully lower) exponent. The changes made (Rule of 6, local lockdowns, masks, work from home, etc) are having a combined positive effect. Cases are doubling around every 14 days instead of 3-4 in March. Estimates for March suggest around 100,000 new infections per day (if we had a system capable of testing them) and several times that infected at any one time (up to 1 million). We are currently on a minimum of 10-16000 new cases per day (if only we had a system capable of testing them!) and ~100,000-110,000 are currently infected. So around 1/10 of late March, *but*, if the trend to double every 14 days continues that implies mid-November to early-December we reach March levels. Better to intervene now and make some necessary (but unpopular) changes than to find the NHS swamped at the start of the tradition Winter Pressures period when it is overstretched every year anyway and have to go back into a full lockdown for the rest of the year with the resultant knock-on effects on every other aspect of health. 1st Sept 1300 cases (3 deaths) 16 Sept 4000 cases (26 deaths) 2nd Oct 10000-16000 cases (40-50 deaths/day) On current trend: 20000-32000 16th Oct (80-100) 40000-64000 2nd Nov (160-200) 80000-128000 16th Nov (320-400) Now hopefully the interventions will pause (or better still reverse) this trajectory to stop us reaching even the first doubling (80-100/day is ~29-36000/year). If it doesn't we are in trouble (again).
and me seeing my Granddaughter. If (when) we go into local lockdown, we'll still be able to look after as childcare is required for working parents. But socially ? I haven't a clue.