Reports saying that he waited until after the stock markets closed on Friday to be taken to hospital and wants to get out tomorrow before they crash too much. If that’s true, he will be leaving the hospital on day 5 or 8 of having the virus (depending on what timeline you believe) - despite doctors agreeing worldwide that days 7-10 are the most dangerous. Would be very fitting if a president that sacrificed thousands of lives to save the economy ends up perishing to save face and not lose millions for his family. That should tell you everything you need to know about his dodgy dealing imo.
It’s a classic lie , remember the Corbyn and the IRA stories ? It’ll work with on some it’s been proven .
Have a good read of this. All you need to know.
Looking at what meds he's on he's far from ok. He's in a potentially dangerous situation, fingers crossed he pulls through. Maybe now he thinks it's something to be worried about?
One of the meds he’s on (dexamethasone) is advised by the WHO to never be administered except in severe cases, as it significantly damages the immune system if administered too early. So either Trump is insisting on experimental treatment against the advice of doctors, or his condition is far worse than they’re making out.
I was put on much milder steroids like you say Dexa is hardcore stuff which is usually given prior to being put under. I've heard of many scary stories especially from one of our Notts Tyke and I'm 99% sure that's what Boris was given. Luckily for Boris he reacted well to it. The body language let alone the language of the medics makes me extremely sceptical of what's coming out publicly.
Hope he is ok and gets better. I don't agree with much he says but would not wish death on him. He needs to stick around in the public eye for the comedy value of his comments.
I hope he survives but he could be a modern day Aesop fable, the man who refused to take Covid seriously and wear a mask.
All seems very similar to Bojos Covid jaunt. #fakenews Talking about him being released tomorrow and been out in a car today. Total load of bollacks.
The recklessness of the idiot to put anybody in such risk to have them drive him around for a photo-op in a hermetically sealed vehicle. Assuming it was him, of course. Body double anyone?
Not saying he deserves to die, but how about forced hysterectomies on migrants? Children dying in ICE camps? Am sure other examples are available.
Have you even read those 2 things you quoted,1st one is in a democrat state that the governor runs,2nd one is quoting things that happened in 2004
Also correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this is happening in ICE detention centres, which are federally run.